  • Treatment of inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth root by folk remedies and methods

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    Treatment: first Kali iodate 2, after 2 hours 5 drops each. If the pain intensifies: phosphorus. With mechanical damage to healthy teeth: Arnica. Take medication after 2 hours for 3 drops. In the tumor( flux) rub the oil Apis.

    And here are the proven tools recommended by the well-known physician PM Kurennoy.

    Four remedies for toothache

    No matter how painful a toothache is, it is not always possible for a patient to immediately seek medical help. Often at hand are home remedies, which save the patient from the pain of toothache.

    A. In many houses there is always sage, which is brewed and warm cooks rinse the sore place of the mouth, trying to keep the fat on the sick gum area as long as possible. Cooled in the mouth, the fat should be changed. Do this often: three to five times for half an hour or a quarter of an hour, after which the pain subsides.

    B. Take a slice of lard of ( cutaneous, fresh or salty).If the fat is salty, then the salt must be cleaned. This slice is put on a sore spot, between the gum and cheek. Keep the slice in your mouth for about fifteen to twenty minutes until the pain subsides. During this time the pain usually ceases, and the patient permanently gets rid of his torment.

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    B. Put in the ear, from the side of the cheek where the tooth hurts, root of the plantain and keep it there until the pain disappears. Half an hour later, an hour passes.

    G. Of the ancient Russian pharmacies, the following is worthy of attention, now completely forgotten. It is a good remedy both during the toothache and at the usual time, like rinsing the mouth. Take fifteen grams( half an ounce) of myrrh, dilute in sixty grams( two ounces) of of wine alcohol. Add a half-ounce of spoon grass, a half-ounce of sliced ​​leaves of raspberries, half an ounce of leaves of a sable, half an ounce of sliced ​​mint leaves and thirty grams( one ounce) of good wine vinegar. All this is corked into a glass bottle and put on for three days of insisting. Then the tincture is filtered and her mouth is rinsed. If you need to make more tincture, the amount of substances that make up the agent, respectively, increases by two or three times.

    Keep in a sore spot a sip of this tincture in a hot form, and you can rinse with a warm tincture.

    The author strongly recommends this forgotten Russian pharmacy prescription for toothache. When a sick person comes to the doctor's office, it would not hurt to give the latter this wonderful infusion, stopping or loosening the toothache in this way, and then subject the patient's teeth to every drilling, etc.

    White magic gives prescriptions for toothache.

    1. Pour into a small clay pot a glass of the best wine, add there a little sage, rosemary, red chalk and boil it all together once or twice;then the rinds are possibly hotter, which immediately heals the toothache, as soon as you spit out the rinse, then replace it with another, perhaps hot, three or four times in the evening before going to sleep, three days in a row. Strip three or four times a year in this way, you will keep your teeth.

    2. Put a piece of camphor in the hollow; if it does not work out, then there is a hidden harm in the dental cell, and it is necessary to spread the gum of with camphor alcohol.

    3. Assemble a piece of bark from a tree, cut a match, stick it into the gum of the aching tooth to the blood and then, having put a chip on the old place, cover it with bark and cover it with something.

    4. Pour in a handful of vodka and sniff that nostril, where the tooth hurts.

    5. Stuff the wax candle with bleb seeds and route the smoke into the mouth.

    6. How to keep your teeth. Every morning, dissolve in the mouth three grains of sea salt, rubbing them in the tongue in the teeth and gums.