  • How to feed a baby

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    One of the most important questions, if not the main one, at least in the first months of life, is how to establish the correct feeding of the baby. It would seem that nature has provided for this all, but practice shows that young moms are worried at times for unimportant reasons, they are mistaken, and problems arise both in the child and in the mother. How much milk do I have? Is he enough for my baby? How often should I feed my baby? What if he cries? Such questions are typical for inexperienced mothers. Excitement is natural. But this is not a reason to refuse to breastfeed. It happens that mothers do not want to breastfeed their baby just because they are afraid to spoil the shape and shape of the breast, although this is not so.

    No one disputes about the benefits of breastfeeding for a child or a mother. Advantages, even in practical terms, are quite obvious. Breast milk is ideal for the child in terms of the content and proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. In addition to the fact that nature itself has established the infant feeding law with mother's milk, so also breast milk is the most natural food for the child, which is easily and quickly absorbed. And this is even very important, because the digestion of the baby is not yet regulated. In addition, breast milk is always ready for feeding, it does not need to be heated or cooled to the required temperature, bottled, and then the bottles and nipples washed and sterilized.

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    It is especially important to breastfeed a child immediately after birth. At this time, milk from the mammary glands is released - thicker than milk, and very nutritious;it contains a lot of antibodies that produce immunity in a baby. The stomach of a newborn is very small, and the colostrum for it is an ideal product. Children sucking mother's breast, are much less likely to get sick. And this is another important argument in favor of breastfeeding.

    When breastfeeding, the baby simultaneously satisfies the need for both drinking and eating. First, it quenches the thirst, since the milk that is released at the beginning of the feeding contains more water and less saturated than a few minutes later. Quenching this "thin" milk with thirst, the child becomes saturated. But this does not exclude the spoonfuls of warm boiled water between the feedings, it is better not to sweeten, especially if the toddler is capricious. Perhaps he wants to drink. And when the baby grows up, he will need to give a little fruit and broth, and fruit juices.

    Breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the recovery after the birth of the physical condition of the nursing mother. When a child sucks a breast, the mother reflexes the uterus;Therefore, in nursing mothers, it decreases more rapidly than in non-breastfeeding mothers. Among other things, during breastfeeding, close psychological contact is established between the mother and the child.

    If, for some reason, the mother does not have the ability to breast-feed the baby or does not have enough milk, it is necessary to resort to artificial or mixed feeding. But, of course, every effort should be made to have enough milk. Observe the doctor's recommendations to preserve the body's ability to lactate.

    It happens that milk "does not come" on the second and third day after birth. Do not be nervous because of this. A newborn can not have a few days. At this time, he is allowed to drink boiled water every three hours.

    Finally, after a few days, instead of the colostrum, milk begins to be produced. At first a little, but within the first week its quantity appreciably increases, sometimes considerably exceeding the needs of the baby.

    Expressing. In , at first the child can have very different needs for food - the regime has not yet been adjusted, he has not learned how to suck properly. Experts recommend that the milk remaining after feeding, then the breast will produce enough milk for the next feeding. Express the milk most often with your hands or breast pump. The bowl, where the milk is collected, should be positioned at the breast level, so it will be more convenient. Each breast is expressed for 5-7 minutes. Do not try to express the milk until it stops standing out altogether. As the chest empties, it produces new milk, so it is almost impossible to completely empty the breast.

    Does it have enough milk? A healthy mother who breastfeeds her baby needs as much milk as he needs. The child is arranged so that he simply can not eat. How many a child sucks, as much milk will produce a breast. The more and more the baby sucks, the faster the breast will have to restore the stock. Therefore, one mother produces as much milk as necessary for a baby weighing 3.5 kg, and the other - just enough to suffice twins weighing 6 kg.

    Breastfeeding is a natural process, so it makes sense to let the child behave naturally. If a child has enough milk while feeding, he has satisfied his hunger for about three hours, and the next feeding gives the mother the same amount of milk as it was. The more often and better the child sucks the breast, the more milk she will produce. There is a direct relationship between feeding and milk production in the chest. If you do not regularly apply the baby to your chest, then the amount of milk will not increase. The child as it stimulates the necessary amount of milk. It is better to let him decide how much to eat, then he will suck out exactly as much as he needs, if to feed him when he wants it.

    Some mothers, because of excessive excitement about the sufficiency of her milk, begin to feed the baby from the bottle. In this case, it is better to resort to a control weighing of the baby for calming. If you do not have your own medical scales, you can rent them. It is necessary to establish how much milk a child receives per day. Immediately before feeding, the baby is weighed in clothes and recorded weight. After feeding immediately weighed again, without disguising the baby, even if all the diapers become wet. The difference in weight obtained between the two weighings is the amount of milk the child ate. In the same way we weigh the child before and after all the feedings during the day, getting the total amount of milk that he sucks. If we limit ourselves to one or two weighings during the day, this will not give a clear picture - in fact a child can suck in different ways milk in different feeding. Of course, this method accurately reflects the amount of milk eaten, although usually the appearance of the child and his behavior eloquently speak about whether he has enough nutrition. If the baby is calm, happy with life and full of energy - then everything is in order. It is necessary to pay attention to the increase in the weight of the child during the month: if he adds weight to the age, then the amount of milk is enough.

    Mothers are often worried about the fact that they think that they have very little milk and it is decreasing. Most importantly - do not be nervous about anything. During breastfeeding, this is strictly contraindicated. If the mother is nervous, depressed, then her condition necessarily negatively affects the secretion of milk.

    Breastfeeding mother should pay special attention to her diet. To be young, if the mother is breastfeeding, it is very important that she avoid any stressful situations, keep herself at peace and seek only positive emotions. Relatives and relatives should understand this and protect the peace of both the child and the mother. The

    arrived and the child received all the necessary "building materials", it is necessary to eat regularly, not allowing long breaks, and monitor the balance - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. .. Of course, the mother's menu should not have any alcoholic beverages(even beer), cigarettes and strong coffee. Only healthy, healthy food, rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, protein. And this is a sufficient amount of low-fat meat, fish, broths, a variety of vegetables and fruits, cereals, juices, dairy products. Use greens with great care, as it will affect the taste of milk.

    Disturbances in the lactation process sometimes arise as a result of the usual overwork and fatigue of the nursing mother. If there are any signs of fatigue, you should immediately rest. Sufficient sleep, good food, walking outdoors is all about caring not so much about yourself in this situation, as about the baby and his health. We need to concentrate on feeding and caring for the baby, as well as paying due attention to ourselves, shifting( at least temporarily) all the household chores on the relatives - a spouse, sister or brother, parents.

    How often to apply to the chest. It happens that the baby sucks very little milk at every feeding. Perhaps he wants to eat ten times a day, or even more often. If the nipples do not ache with such feeding, there are no cracks and the mother is not overtired, this regime can be considered quite acceptable, but not for long. It is better to gradually increase breaks between feedings to establish a more rational regimen. It is necessary to make sure that the child empties both breasts at each feeding. If the milk is left after feeding, it must be decanted. Children who suck breast at will, as a rule, do not overeat.

    Do not force the child to wait for the exact feeding time. The child will be hungry, restless and will not be able to endure until the next feeding.

    You can not give one breast and milk from a bottle, because it is easier to suck from a bottle and the baby will take breast worse.

    Breastfeeding. It is very important that both the baby and the mother are comfortable during the feeding. There are many ways to reduce the inconvenience to a minimum. For example, a nursing mother is better off wearing clothes unfastened in front than sweaters that need to be removed through the head. Special bras unfastened in front, allow each breast to be exposed separately during feeding.

    Prepare a suitable place for feeding, preferably in the children's room, near the cot and changing table so that everything you need is at hand. The place should be quiet so that no one disturbs the mother and child;convenient, so that the mother does not get tired( well, when there is an opportunity to sit back in a chair or chair, put a pillow under your elbow).When feeding, the stool or armchair is of such a height that the feet of the mother rest on the floor;back should support her back;side handles or armrests should not be so as not to hit them with the child's head.

    Sufficient milk, comfortable armchair, no hurry, no outsiders - all this will make feeding a pleasant experience.

    At first it is not easy, because the newborn does not know how to do anything, even suck his chest. And his first attempts are often awkward. But gradually the child acquires skills - adapts to suck the breast, thus obtaining milk. First you need to help him by putting a nipple into his mouth. And then the reflex works: the baby begins to suck, especially if you squeeze out a few drops of milk. The kid immediately feels the taste, and he has activity. Quite fast breastfeeding becomes a natural activity. In a few days the child does not need to be forced to suck and stimulate his sucking reflex: he experimentally assimilates the connection "sucking - food - satisfaction".However, it is important to accustom him to the breast from the very first feeding.

    Before applying the baby to your chest, be sure to wash your hands with soap and wash your chest with boiled water. Then, dry the chest with a towel. It is useful to express a little milk before feeding, so that it is absolutely sterile( microbes can penetrate into the milk through the nipple).In the first weeks, and also if the mother has a cold, it is recommended to wear a medical mask during feeding. It can be bought in a pharmacy or stitched,

    folding gauze in two or three layers. It is advisable to have several masks in case one of your relatives falls ill.

    It happens that the mother can not feed the baby and she has to express the milk( for example, because of very painful nipple cracks or the need to leave for some time).In this case, the baby is fed with expressed breast milk from a bottle.

    Feeding position. If you are feeding sitting on a chair or in an armchair, take the position that the child is lying on your knees, and keep his head with your elbow. Do not hold while feeding the baby in your arms - this will tire you. In any case, the head of the baby should have a strong support and be higher than the level of his stomach, otherwise the air entering the stomach during sucking will not easily belch.

    When a child eats, his head should lie on the elbow bend. To the arm is not tired, put a pillow under your elbow for support, and put a low bench under your feet, then the child lying on his knees will be just at the chest level, and you do not need to bend.

    Do not push the child's head against the head with force. He must be able to turn away to rest.

    Expressed milk before feeding is stored in the refrigerator in sterile bottles for no more than a day.

    You can also feed the baby lying down. Put yourself under your back more pillows to calmly lay weight on them all. When feeding the infant lying comfortably lies parallel to the mother.

    How to help a baby suck. When the mother has prepared for feeding, it is necessary to prepare and the child, lightly touching his

    cheeks, - the child will turn his head towards the chest. Within a few days of one touch of the bare breast to the cheek of the baby is enough to cause a reflex.

    Turning the head to the chest, the child slightly opens the mouth. If the nipple touches his lips, the child grabs his mouth and begins to suck.

    If a child simply takes a nipple in his mouth, but does not suck, milk does not stand out. The sucking of the nipple and the pressure of the lips on it only cover the milk ducts. Milk is excreted if the child rhythmically presses the jaws on the base of the parasol mug while simultaneously making sucking movements. It is necessary to help the child to take in a mouth and a nipple, and okolososovyj a circle. When the milk is sucked off, the lips of the child should be firmly pressed against the border between the nipple and breast skin.

    If a child, after making several sucking movements, releases the chest, it is possible that the chest prevents him from breathing. The toe of the baby should be free, the nasal passages cleaned. To the chest does not prevent the baby from breathing, you should lightly press it slightly above the nasal mug with your thumb and forefinger. Then a "breathing hollow" is formed.

    Duration of feeding. Usually the child is saturated in 15-20 minutes, if the mother has enough milk and it sucks well. After this time, he sucks as if by inertia.

    Sometimes a child, after eating, does not want to let go of the chest. In this case, you can slightly press the nozzle.

    If for some reason you need to interrupt feeding, do not try to "tear" the baby from the chest. It is better to wait until he stops to rest. If he does not want to interrupt sucking, you can bring the index finger between the baby's lip and the sucking mug and gently press the child's chin and he will let go of the nipple.

    Sometimes, as soon as the baby starts to suck, the milk flows heavily from the chest, which causes the baby to choke and cough. Reduce the flow can be in this way: take the chest with the middle and index fingers above the nipple around the lips of the child and slightly raise it. Once the sucking rhythm is normalized, the fingers can be removed.

    All children suck breast with different activities. In general, the period of feeding should not exceed 25-30 minutes. But there are babies,

    When feeding a mother lying down or someone from home, you need to control the situation, as the mother may fall asleep from fatigue, which is very dangerous!

    who greedily hastily grab the nipple, first actively suck, choke, swallow a lot of air and as a result often regurgitate, not with air, but with milk. Some babies sucked sleepily, get tired and sometimes, not being full, fall asleep. Children, too actively sucking the chest, should be quietly paused for a minute or two to hold in an upright position. After the child bites the air, we must give him a chest again. Children, sluggish sucking chest, you can gradually slow down, do not give to fall asleep, take away and again give a nipple.

    Breast care. You can not give your child a long time to suck every breast until the nipples are not bogged down. It is enough to feed for a start two minutes each by breast, adding about a minute a day.

    The nipples have to be specially tended during the entire breastfeeding. But if you start taking care of them in the first weeks, the nipples may be somewhat coarsened and they will not need special care.

    Often on the nipples, cracks occur, they can be very painful and sometimes cause complications. If an infection occurs, the cracks become inflamed, the chest hardens, and the mastitis threatens.

    To protect nipples from cracks is not very difficult. Nipples constantly rub against the material, because of what the skin on them can dry up, peel off and at the same time constantly moisturize. The combination of moisture and friction leads to the multiplication of bacteria and the formation of cracks. There are several ways to avoid these troubles.

    The bra should only be made of cotton fabric, not synthetic. In addition, it is not recommended to feed the child too long;sometimes the baby, having satiated, bites the tender nipple with gums and can injure him, and a crack will appear.

    After each feeding, you must thoroughly dry both nipples by holding them in the open air.

    Several times a day, you should carefully wash your nipples with water without soap to wash away the dried milk.

    If milk is spontaneously secreted, pieces of a paper diaper are placed in the bra, which absorb the liquid and allow air to pass through. The bra should be changed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    Artificial feeding. It happens that the child for some reason has to be fed artificially. The question arises: what kind of food is better for him to offer? In this regard, the opinion of specialists is unequivocal - it is best to use special infant formulas, which in their composition are the closest to human milk. They are generally suitable for all children, regardless of the sensitivity of the digestive system.

    One option is donor breast milk. In this case, you should be convinced of the rational nutrition of a woman offering excess breast milk.

    Some are mistaken, believing that fresh cow milk is nutritious and preferable to infant formula. In cow's

    milk, too little sugar and no fat, which are necessary for the child. The protein of cow's milk causes the formation of lumps of cottage cheese in the baby's stomach. In addition, in cow's milk is much more than in breast, mineral salts, especially sodium. Whole milk is recommended to drink to children much later.

    What kind of mixture to pick up a child, the pediatrician will best determine and advise. Now the choice is quite diverse, each mixture has some advantages, sometimes you have to try one or two mixtures to choose the optimal for a particular child.

    With the artificial feeding of a baby, 6-8 special milk bottles, as many nipples, a measuring cup and a funnel will be required.

    Feeding. Quite often the situation when a child lacks mother's milk. Well, then, you can not do without pre-feeding. Than it is better to feed? A question that the pediatrician will always answer. You should know that special milk formulas recommended for a particular age are preferable. If the mother's milk is enough for almost all the feedings, then it's better to feed the milk mixture from the bottle in the middle of the day, since after the night rest, milk is usually enough. Having missed one day feeding, the mother will rest, and by the evening there will be more milk. If necessary, you can replace two breastfeeding by artificial. Again, you should make such breaks, so that more milk is formed for the next feeding.

    If a child has to supplement a bottle with a special mixture, then breastfeeding is necessary before bedtime. Excludes the possibility of gastric problems, and the baby will sleep better and calmer.

    With mixed feeding, the problem often arises of the child's getting used to the nipple, because

    is much easier to suck from: the milk is almost poured, while breast sucking and "extraction" of milk from the baby is a big work for the baby. And, having tasted food from the nipple, he can figure out how easy it is to saturate, and begins to refuse |from the chest. This can not be allowed, because if the child refuses the breast, lactation will stop quickly and it will be necessary to switch completely to artificial feeding. To avoid this, we must ensure that the nipple does not have a large opening and the milk does not flow without the efforts of the baby. You can feed a child with a teaspoon.

    Hygiene of feeding. To ensure that the child does not get sick, it is necessary to perform simple hygienic requirements. The question does not stand in such a way as to completely protect the child from all microbes and place it in a sterile environment. Microbes are everywhere - on the hands of people, on clothes, in food, etc. Some microbes cause illness.

    The newborn has very weak immunity, in particular it is fed artificially, and is not sufficiently protected against microbes. So that he does not get sick, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house, and also to observe the hygiene of feeding.

    It is dangerous to give the baby milk, which was at room temperature for several hours. If a child drinks milk from a bottle that has been standing in a warm room for a while, he will get a huge amount of germs and a real threat of indigestion.

    Milk, especially room temperature, is an ideal nutrient medium for microbes.

    In order to get as few microbes as possible into the formula, you must wash your hands before preparing it. The utensils should be sterile, like bottles, nipples and a nipple case.

    The started package with the mixture should be kept well closed, and the glass jar - tightly covered with a lid in the refrigerator.

    Freshly prepared milk mixture is recommended to be cooled quickly to limit the growth of bacteria, and keep the finished mixture( like expressed breast milk) in the refrigerator( but no more than 2-3 hours) until the child wants to eat

    If it is necessary to feed the child out of the house,, taken from the refrigerator, wrap in several layers of the newspaper to keep the milk chilled.

    The mixture is prepared immediately before feeding, following the directions given on the label. Usually, milk powder or liquid concentrate is mixed with boiled water. The mixture should have the same temperature as breast milk. Hot must be cooled quickly, and the cold should be heated. To do this, the bottle is lowered into a vessel with hot water for several minutes. Then a few drops should be shaken out on your wrist to make sure that the milk is warm.

    If the hole in the nipple is small, it is enlarged with a red-hot needle.

    How to feed from a bottle. Each feeding, even from a bottle, is a time of close communication between the mother and the child, their direct contact. Therefore, for the time of feeding from the bottle is best to take the child in his arms. Mother or lactating with

    You can not keep warm milk in a thermos bottle!]

    The milk left after feeding should definitely be poured out

    Do not store even a little milk until the next feeding!

    it sits on a chair with a comfortable backrest near the table, on which there is a bottle in a vessel with warm water. The head of the child should be above the level of his stomach. The left hand of the nursing, on which the infant lies, should have a support, the pillow is best. The bottle with the mixture should be kept so that the nipple is full of milk all the time and the baby does not swallow the air.

    Some very busy mothers simply put a bottle of milk to the baby in the crib so that the

    he ate on his own. This method can not be considered acceptable, since the bottle can tip over, slip out, the child can pick up air.

    With artificial feeding, the correct size of the holes in the nipple is important.

    From too young a child is difficult to suck, he quickly gets tired and badly eats. Large holes, when milk flows, create another danger - the child will choke. A hole is considered normal, from which the milk drips, and does not pour into the trickle when the bottle is turned upside down.

    It is not necessary for a child to take away a bottle if he pauses and does not suck, although the milk remains. Perhaps he makes a short respite or spews up air to safely finish his portion. But if he turns away from the nipple, which he is offered again and again, then he is full.

    Mode and some feeding problems. Most experts agree that in the first month of life for feeding is approximately the following schedule: 6.00, 9.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00 and one feeding at night if the child wakes up and demands food. This regime, of course, is not an axiom;if a child half an hour before feeding urges to eat, you can go to meet him. And vice versa, if the time has come for feeding, and he is fast asleep and sweet, you can give him a good sleep, and it will only benefit. There are cases when babies safely awake the next feeding, especially in the first months of life.

    Already in the second month, especially strong, healthy, babies can be fed through 3.5 hours with a night break of 6 hours.

    Of course, quite often the kid hardly gets used to the routine. Sometimes he can oversleep the next feeding, and on another occasion he will require food an hour after he eats. .. How to be? To withstand the regime or

    to give relief? Most likely, the mother must prompt a flair as to how to proceed correctly. Usually she quickly decides what is best. But we must still try to stick to the regime as much as possible while avoiding "shouting and noise".If the baby

    half an hour loudly demands dinner, then, probably, it is necessary to feed it. After all, small children do not overeat for sure, they suck as much as they need.

    It is hardly advisable to go completely to free mode, because you can not guess when exactly the child wants to eat, and will have to deal with the whole day by feeding alone. But, fortunately, children quickly adapt to a normal, even very individual regime and stick to it.

    It happens that a healthy child for no apparent reason shouts at feeding, he has a good appetite, he actively sucks, but suddenly starts to cry. If this is repeated several times, you will need to consult a pediatrician. Before he comes, you can try the following: when the child screams, you need to take it from your chest, hold it in a vertical position, stroke it - it is possible that the child will calm down. If he continues to cry, put it on the couch and lightly, stroking( not pressing!) Circular movements lightly massage the tummy in a clockwise direction. Perhaps the child is disturbed by colic in the abdomen from bloating, and massage will help to escape the gases. Sometimes in such situations helps if you put the baby on your tummy or attach a warm diaper to your tummy. You can briefly put the baby off the gas pipe. Gases often torment young children, and their departure - and some

    times at the same time and

    chairs - give noticeable relief.

    The child can cry or fall asleep immediately after the beginning of feeding. If he eats from a bottle,

    After feeding the baby, put only on the barrel.

    possible, the hole in the nipple is too small. Regurgitation during feeding. Some babies at the time of sucking swallow a lot of air, and their stomach unpleasantly swells even before they drink their portion of milk. Therefore, you need to give them the opportunity to regurgitate the air until the end of feeding. During breastfeeding, the baby will spew the air if it is slightly raised. A child who is fed from a bottle simply stops sucking. He should also be held in a vertical position for a couple of minutes, until he spits up the air, and then again to continue the meal.

    Regurgitation after feeding. Almost all babies at meal swallow a little air, and it is necessary to allow them to regurgitate air after eating. For this,

    , after feeding, do not rush to put the baby in the crib;Take it in your arms vertically, press against your shoulder, gently stroking the back. If a few minutes have passed, and the child has not regained air, then it does not need it yet. It may well be that he swallowed a little air. If he regurgitates the air later, he will do it himself. Perhaps, the baby will not always regurgitate after the meal, but it is necessary to give him such an opportunity. If you do not comply with this rule and immediately after feeding to lay a child, then he can regurgitate with milk and remain hungry. But danger lurks, if the child lies on his back. Repulsed milk can get into the respiratory throat and bronchi. There will be a threat of asphyxiation - a child may even suffocate.

    It happens that the baby regurgitates milk even after the swallowed air has passed. In this case, he just gets rid of the excess of the eaten.

    After feeding with the baby, it is necessary to handle very carefully, so that he does not bury most of the eaten food. He can not be rocked or try to play with him. If he falls asleep at the end of feeding, gently hold it in a vertical or semi-vertical position, holding the head. As soon as he spews the air, carefully, trying not to wake up, put him in the cot on the barrel.

    Vomiting. If a child spews up milk after a while after feeding, it will be curdled, since digestive juices have already affected it. If the baby vomits after an hour or more after feeding, it is possible that there was a lot of air in the stomach, which finally came out, taking with him and partially digested milk. But it is possible that vomiting causes some disturbances in the digestive process or some disease. If the child has a fever or a loose stool, consult a doctor. But

    when the child has a healthy appearance and he is calm, we only need to closely monitor if there are any other symptoms of the disease.

    Severe( gushing) vomiting. During a flowing vomiting, a child with a force throws out milk at the end of feeding. The cause may be any disease, and you need to turn to the pediatrician.

    How often should I feed a baby from a bottle? How much milk should be given for one feeding? As much as the child asks. His body itself perfectly controls the consumption of food, until adults make their own, often erratic adjustments. Therefore, no matter how much an infant consumes food, one can be sure that it needs so much.

    You can not force a child to eat more than he wants. When a baby is fed from a bottle, you can immediately see how much he ate. Portions do not always turn out the same. And mom can count the amount eaten insufficient. But if the baby refuses the nipple, then it's full.

    Discontinue feeding as soon as the baby stops sucking vigorously. If you follow these rules from the first weeks of your life, there will be no problem at all - to feed your child on schedule or not. The regime will be formed in accordance with the digestive system of the child.

    Usually the baby digests a portion of food for 3-4 hours. Therefore, it signals a feeling of hunger at the end of the digestive process. As soon as the child's digestion is established and he gets used to the sensation of hunger, he will not express his displeasure with crying until he has digested the whole portion of food, and then his requirements coincide with the schedule of feedings.

    The child and his digestion will adapt to the feeding schedule and in the event that from the very beginning accustom him to strict feeding with a break for 3-4 hours. If you offer food only at certain hours, the child will eventually become accustomed to the regime. At first it will not be easy when the baby wakes up and screams for food. Attempts to reassure him in any other way, as a rule, give only a brief respite, because in fact he wants milk, not water, a pacifier or a rattle. Not every mother will easily survive such trials. She feels sorry for the crumb and herself at the same time. But if you can even survive until the next feeding, the child can suddenly eat very little. This can be explained by the fact that he cried out and was tired. But within an hour the child can wake up from hunger, and everything will be repeated again.

    Does the kid want to drink. Of course, like all people, it needs water, especially when it's hot. Babies require as much breast milk or a properly prepared formula as they are able to drink with pleasure. In addition, the child from the first days of life should give a drink - twice a day warm boiled water, better not sweetened. The amount of drinking water depends on the time of year and the temperature of the air in the room. In summer, in the heat, after bathing and after a plentiful meal( when the milk is too fat), babies drink a little more. The water given to the child should be boiled and cooled to the so-called "summer" temperature. Do not fit the child to drink water, which was boiled the day before or boiled repeatedly.

    In the first weeks of life, a child should drink 1-2 teaspoons of water between the feedings. Some mothers give to drink to children

    weakly boiled tea. You can give your child a little water at night if he wakes up and cries, sometimes it is because of thirst.

    After 10 days, the baby will begin to gain weight approximately 30 grams per day. On average, for a week the increase will be 170-225 g. Due to illness or poor care, weight gain may be lower than normal, and the child will need extra nutrition and, accordingly, more attention.

    Since the 3rd week the child needs vitamin D - for the proper development of bones. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to rickets. In natural conditions, this vitamin is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to have a sun bath, especially to a small child in the winter. The pediatrician will appoint you a drug containing this vitamin, and tell you how to give it to your child.

    When to start lure. This is not a simple question. Until recently, experts recommended that from the 3rd week of life, apple juice should be given drop by drop. But now with the lure advise not to hurry, pushing it closer to the six-month age. And not for nothing. Too many cases have become manifestations of various types of allergies in infants. Therefore, the general recommendation is this: diversify baby food should be gradually, not earlier than with 3 months of life. In each case, it is best to consult a pediatrician who will give individual recommendations on the types and timing of complementary foods.

    By 3 months of life the child grows up, becomes strong enough and eats a lot more milk during each feeding, on average 180-220 g of milk or milk formula.

    And at this time it is necessary to decide the issue of the first complementary food. As we have already said, there are many opinions among specialists, and these opinions are quite different. For example, some are advised to give lure in the first month, but there are also those who recommend waiting for up to a year. Who is right? It seems that the truth, as always, somewhere in the middle. Most specialists in child nutrition

    are still convinced that it is best to start feeding between the 4th and 5th month of life. In addition, we must always take into account the health of the child, his condition at the time when they begin to feed, as well as the state of his digestion, whether there is a predilection for stomach disorders. Consultation of the pediatrician is absolutely necessary.

    New dishes give the child a little at a time - a few drops - and gradually increase the portion, and give not earlier than the baby's body can take and learn new food. Never give in one day two or even several new types of food. Only when the child

    gets used to one new dish, you can offer him something new. You can not force a child to eat if he does not want something, even if it's a very useful meal. We must give him the opportunity to try and get a little new and love a new dish. Forced feeding can cause the baby to even vomit and in the long term rejection of this product.

    All kinds of new food should be welded and thoroughly crushed, so that a child, accustomed only to milk, could swallow and painlessly digest a new dish.

    Food is given to a child from a small( coffee or tea) spoon before feeding the mother's breast or milk mixture from the bottle. If he is given first a breast, he can refuse the "second dish", since he will be full.

    So, little by little you can give freshly prepared apple juice, half diluted with boiled water. It is necessary to start literally with drops, then giving on a teaspoonful. Just a little give and fruit mashed potatoes.

    It is recommended to give the yolk of a hen's egg as a complementary food. Since the egg is an allergen, it is necessary to give it a little bit and observe the state of the child.

    The egg is hard boiled, the yolk is carefully ground into the gruel, mixed with breast milk or milk mixture until a homogeneous mixture so that the dish is not dry and the baby is easier to swallow. Kashitsu give a small spoon before breast-feeding. If the child's reaction is normal and there is no rash, you can gradually increase the amount of yolk every day. After three weeks, the child is already given half a dozen a day.

    A valuable source of protein and mineral salts is cottage cheese, which can be started to give the child about 5 months. The first portions should not exceed half the coffee spoon. For two weeks a portion of cottage cheese is gradually increased to 3 teaspoons, if the child digests it well. Little children are given only freshly prepared cottage cheese. It is easy to make it from fresh yogurt or from yogurt and whole milk. In the boiled milk pour in kefir( in a 2: 1 ratio), curdled mass is thrown on gauze and decant. Or warm it on low heat kefir before separating the cottage cheese, and then decant.

    Vegetables begin to give to the baby on the 5th month before day feeding. In the evening in general, the lure should not be given, because it is more rough food and the child can sleep worse. It is sensible to start with one type of vegetable, for example from potatoes or carrots. Vegetables are cleaned, thoroughly washed in running water, cooked in steaming or boiling water and finely chopped with a mixer or meat grinder( you need to scroll several times), so that not a single lump remains. Then add hot milk, you can slightly podsolit and mix thoroughly until the consistency of the liquid gruel. Puree should once again bring to a boil and add a couple drops of vegetable oil per serving.

    For the preparation of children's purees, crochets and soups should be a separate enameled small saucepan.

    It may happen that some vegetables, such as cabbage or carrots, do not like the baby. Do not insist and offer him again and again this dish. It is better to offer something else. Every time it is necessary to track what the reaction will be to the new dish, whether there will be changes in the stool, restless crying some time after the feeding. If everything is in order, the diet can be expanded, you can prepare mashed potatoes from several types of vegetables. It is recommended to use carrots, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, etc. Vegetables are thoroughly washed with cold water, cut into pieces and boiled in a small amount of water or steamed until ready. Then prepare the mashed potatoes, add hot milk and vegetable oil.

    Over time, the amount of complementary food

    increases, and its range expands, gradually replacing breastfeeding.