  • Different kindergartens.

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    For many years, there are one-day gardens - good, bad and medium, - where the mother can, while going to work, take her child for several hours. Good kindergartens are organized by people who try to understand the needs of children, love them, pay attention to them, they have enough toys and they have freedom for development. Not very good are managed by people who believe that the main task of the kindergarten is to take care of the child's cleanliness and enough food for him.

    People who came up with the idea of ​​kindergartens, said: "All young children need to be with other children, not only those who have mothers working. All children need space, music, colors and clay to enrich their soul. "Further they said: "It is not enough that a person who cares for children loves them;he must understand them;and this means that special training is needed. "

    But do not assume that any institution that is called a kindergarten is a wonderful place;some second-class institutions have given this name because it has become popular. And to this day there are such institutions that have not received anything from progress and are managed under new names in the old way. If you decide to put your child in a kindergarten, you need to learn a lot about it. How do teachers treat children? Did the caregivers receive special training? And further: how many children are accounted for by the caregiver( it is difficult to cope well with work if there are more than eight or ten children per teacher)?And finally, is there enough space for playing and resting - indoors and outdoors, do you have enough equipment, toys, cubes, paints, clay and so on?.

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    You should find out about the kindergartens in your district and consult a special agency.

    Most kindergartens accept children from the age of three, which is correct, because by this age the child is ready for the garden. Some parents believe that the only thing that children learn in the garden is drawing or counting. I heard mothers reasoning: "I'll wait for him to go to kindergarten until four years, then he will take more from him."This is mistake.

    The ability to draw is only a small part of what a good kindergarten is capable of. Much more important is the ability to enjoy the company of other children, cooperate with them, carry out joint projects, have the opportunity to run, dance, sing. In three years the child needs all this not less than four. The longer the admission to the garden is postponed, the more difficult it becomes for a child to get used to it.

    In some gardens begin with a two-year age. It is good if the child is independent and sociable( many children remain strongly dependent on the mother up to two and a half and three years) if the group is small( no more than eight people) and if the teacher is kind and affectionate, understands the needs of children and knows how to satisfy them.

    But most of the children are still too young to go to the kindergarten in two years. They are still very dependent on the mother, they are timid with other children and adults. I do not want to say that such children should always be attached to the apron of the mother. They also need the opportunity to be among other children in order to get used to them, to become interested in gradually getting rid of their lack of autonomy. But this takes time. If you doubt your child's readiness for kindergarten, talk to an experienced teacher.

    Some children are not ready to enter the garden because they are sick or because they quickly get tired of other children. I agree that a child often gets cold if playing on the street with a group of children than with one or two friends under the supervision of mothers. But this is not the reason for not letting a healthy child into a kindergarten, because he will carry a few additional colds without harming himself. The advantages of a kindergarten far outweigh the risk of a small cold. It's quite another thing - a painful child who always experiences colds hard. As for fatigue, some children, for the first time coming to the kindergarten in autumn, are overexcited and get very tired. But after a few weeks most of them adapts. If the child can not get used to the daily routine of the kindergarten, it must be taken early.