  • Results of the 7th month

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    Motor reactions. Crosses well with his feet. Sits without support. Sitting, he tilts himself and straightens his torso. He kneels, clinging to the bed grid. Free turns from back to belly and back. Crawls on all fours in different directions. I practice my skills for a long time. Rocking on a rocking chair.

    Skills. Drinks from a cup that is kept by an adult. Eats from a spoon. Expresses an active discontent when hungry. Actively heaps loaf before thinning.

    Actions with the object. Grabs toys, swings them, knocks. After eating, he throws the bottle on the floor. Throws the toys in front of him, bending over. Throwing objects on the floor is a favorite occupation of this period. He plays with his hands in front of him. He plays hide and seek, covering his face with his hands. Tyanetsya himself for the toy. Licking toys, touching gums, shaking. Hitting his hand on the water when swimming.

    Gathers bread crumbs in a pinch. Disrupts

    • At 7 months, the correlating actions begin to form. These are the actions, the purpose of which is to bring two or more objects or their parts into certain spatial relationships( folding the piers * dock out of the rings, using collapsible toys, closing the boxes with covers).Correlating actions require the consideration of the properties of the object, selection in accordance with their form and size or location in some order.

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    • In the second half of life the child enters a new stage of development. He began to master Mamy-Pulat activities, which will be leading in his mental development to the age of three. Communication with an adult also transformed, became "business", and now it serves the subject-manipulative activity. Thanks to this transformation, the child learns new means of communication, learns to act on the model, focus on the evaluation of the adult, which prepares him to master specific subject actions and speech.

    napkin, finding a toy under it. One puts small toys out of the box. Throws a toy and watches it. Toys shift from hand to hand, knocking them, waving.

    Understanding speech. To the question: "Where are you?" Laughs."And where is Lya?" - looks at the place where the object is constantly located.

    As the observations of MM Koltsova have shown, the child does not always react equally to the same words: it is necessary that he was in the same situation, he heard a word from a certain person, that the word should be pronounced with a certain intonation, accompanied by a certain gesture. It is necessary to exclude from all this set of any factor - and there is no necessary reaction to the word.

    This means that the word for the child is at first not an abstract sign, but only one of the components of the situation.

    Active speech. For a long time babbles, again

    pronounces the same syllables. Says "baba, ma-ma, pa-pa-pa, a-la-la, va-va";Syllables and their combinations are not correlated with the concept. Of particular interest is the sounds that he himself utters. Each child has only 2-3 syllables, which he repeatedly pronounces.

    Emotions. If in the first half of the year, communication with an adult at the child was emotional or situational-personal, in the second half of the year it is situational and business. The content of the need for communication, and the means of this communication, and the motives also changed. The kid shies away from affection, withdraws, turns away from the kiss and embraces and switches your attention to toys. The most common action that he uses for this purpose is to stretch the toy or insert it into the adult's hand. He recognizes his relatives. At the sight of strangers, she does not cry if her mother is near."Working for the public", offended by inattention to yourself.

    Intelligence. If the item falls, the child reacts as if he knew that he had lost something. If he throws an object, he very closely follows where he went. First achievements of cause-effect relationships. When he wants to eat, he looks toward the kitchen. He has an active interest in what is happening on the street.

    Memory is not yet developed: if you hide an item, the child is unlikely to look for it. And nevertheless memory gradually develops.

    • the weight of the boy is 7900-8700 g

    • the weight of the girl is 7400-8100 g

    • the height of the boy is 68-70 cm

    • the height of the girl is 67-68 cm