  • How to behave on the street

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    Purpose. Bring the children to understand the dependence of the structure of the car on its purpose, the nature of the cargo( van, postal car).Give them some knowledge about the profession of the driver. Educate respect for the people of this profession, the desire to master the rules of conduct on the street. To develop imagination, imagination, to teach to apply personal experience in game situations.

    Characters. Lead, traffic lights, drivers, passers-by, Dunno, hare, clown.

    Preparing for the game. During walks or in pictures, show the children different types of transport, highlight their characteristic features: similar and distinctive.

    Material. Portable flannelegraph on which are marked: pavement, roadway of the street, pedestrian crossing "zebra".For the toy theater, cars are laid out on the table: cars, trucks( dumper, panel truck, various vans - Milk, Bread, bus, trolley, truck, etc.).Figures of pedestrians - adults and children( for humorous scenes you can use fairy-tale characters), a traffic light( three circles are attached to it, which can be changed).

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    The course of the game. Let the children agree on who will act for which characters. For example, one is responsible for traffic lights, others for cars moving on the right side, others for those traveling on the left, fourth for passers-by, fifth for animals.

    Lead( in the first game it will be an adult, and in repeated - a child) reads verses about the rules of traffic. Children move the figures according to the text.

    You can first think of riddles. After the riddle a car appears.

    What a miracle - a blue house,

    Windows are light around,

    Wears rubber shoes,

    And feeds on gasoline.

    Beyond the window

    Knocking, and ringing, and commotion,

    On the straight steel tracks of the

    Red houses are walking.

    ( Tram)

    The house is on the street,

    At work everyone is lucky.

    Not on chicken thin legs,

    And in rubber boots.

    ( Bus, trolley)

    Here, the bridge clearing,

    From the way sweeping the dust and dust,

    With steel brushes rotating,

    Is a funny car.

    Looks like a May bug -

    Mustache and round sides.(Street cleaning machine)

    A bright morning along the road on the grass glistens dew,

    On the road, legs and two wheels run.

    The riddle has the answer: it's mine. ..

    ( Bicycle)

    When all the cars are on display, create the illusion of movement( you can give the drivers in the hands of the rudders).Children softly mimic the roar of cars, they go around in circles around the table where the action takes place. The presenter begins to read O. Bekarev's poem "ABC of Security".

    Lead. Asphalt streets are being. ..

    Drivers. Cars are racing fast.

    Burlit in the motion of the pavement. ..

    All. Run the car, the trams rush.

    Lead. It's time for moms and dads to work, and for children - to a kindergarten( a gesture encourages pedestrians to move in. It fixes the first rule known to children).

    Lesha with Anyone walk in pairs.

    Where are they going?(She gestures with a gesture.)

    All. On the sidewalk.

    If none of the pedestrians or cars have moved towards each other and have not encountered, create such a situation. For example, Dunno or a bunny frightened by a noisy street will accidentally encounter a counter pedestrian or pedestrians jostle on the road trying to get around each other. The solution to this situation is the second rule:

    All. All the rules are true - Keep right.

    In repeated games in such situations, children themselves must remind each other these rules.

    When pedestrians approach the road, ask them: how do you go to the other side of the street? Why do cars race without stopping? Better yet, if the situation arises again: one of the funny characters familiar to children, for example a clown, tries to run across the street, but can not reach the goal because of the flow of cars. Here the third rule is important:

    All. A pedestrian should remember: Crossroads - crossing.

    In the first game we will create a problem situation: how to cross the street, if there is no traffic light, and the cars race without stopping? So there is a need to learn one more, the fourth rule.

    Everything. Where are the traffic lights?(One of the children exhibits a traffic light, signals.)

    Lead. The most severe red light.

    If it is on,

    Stop! There is no further road,

    The path for all is closed.

    So that you can safely pass,

    Listen to our advice:


    You'll see soon yellow-

    In the middle of the light.

    And behind it the green light

    Will flash ahead.

    He will say:

    "No obstacles,

    Feel free to go!"

    A. Northern

    So, children, ask our slow pedestrians whether they remember the rules? No, of course, they still do not remember. Then all together we will remind them of the four rules.(The children repeat the rules.) Well done! You remembered it from the first time. When you go with your parents, brothers and sisters for a walk, repeat these rules to them.

    In the second game, the children will put the traffic light from the very beginning, and then the signal condition and the corresponding rule will be the condition for the transition.

    Composition on a flannel from leaves, paper.