  • Physical features of your baby

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    First of all, it should be understood that the child in no way is a copy, but only a reduced adult body. He has certain physical characteristics that parents need to know. And for each period of development has its own characteristics.

    The parturient child is first of all informed of the sex of the child born, and then his weight. And this is not accidental, because the baby's initial weight is the first important indicator of his development, this is the starting point of his growth. Newborns are very different in size and weight. Pediatricians determine the weight of the child and the increase in special tables and formulas. But if a child was born with a normal weight, then it is enough to add 20-30 g daily - this is an average figure, because each child develops in its own way.

    If the newborn has started to suck the breast the first time and does it actively, besides it is calm, then there is no need to weigh it every day. But you should do this every time in the clinic, where you need to show the baby regularly. A regular visit to the pediatrician and other specialists does not depend on the excellent health and appearance of the baby. It is necessary to get used, that visit to the pediatrist is a control over development of your child and preventive maintenance of diseases.

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    Well and if the newborn for some reason does not gain weight at all during 2 weeks( the attentive mother always will define it visually), badly sucks, is restless, it is an occasion for the urgent reference to the pediatrist.

    The normal weight of newborns is 3.2-3.8 kg. As a rule, boys are one gram heavier than girls. The firstborn usually weighs less than the subsequent children. In high parents, children are born larger than those of low parents.

    Large babies weighing about 4.5 kg and more began to appear more and more often. Parents often take pride in this, but physicians pay more attention to "heroes" than "babies" to make sure that a large weight does not mean any pathology.

    The weight of a newborn within 2.5-3 kg can be considered the norm. Just such a baby will have to feed for a while more often than it should.

    Very small newborns( weighing less than 2.5 kg) doctors in the maternity hospital are under special control, they pay maximum attention to them. Sometimes such crumbs are placed in a special chamber - an incubator, to maintain optimal body temperature and breathing. Often this is just a precaution, and the child quickly adds to the weight of the

    .Small newborns require more thorough care.

    Often the cause of low weight is the prematurity of the baby. Premature babies did not have enough time to properly prepare for independent existence. And the sooner an

    child was born, the more difficulties, perhaps, awaits him. Most likely, he will need special care in the clinic and constant supervision of medical personnel. In such cases, the baby feeds on milk through a tube or dropper until he can suck on his own. This time is, of course, very hard for the mother, but it can also give some skills and experience.

    It happens that the mother is discharged from the mother first, and the child after a while - it just needs to get stronger and still needs special care. In no case can you make this tragedy and get upset, because the child is provided with reliable medical control and qualified care.

    You probably need to bring expressed breast milk to the hospital for a baby.

    Most newborns can not be said to be handsome: they have wrinkled skin, which is slightly flaky in the first days, the face can be inflamed and swollen, the head is stretched out.

    The incorrect shape of the baby's head is caused by the strongest surrender of the

    passing the birth canal and is usually restored within a few months. To do this, it is necessary to put the newborn to sleep alternately on one, then on another barrel.

    On the head there are fontanels - soft, non-ossified areas of the skull. The largest fontanel - occipital - is tightened with very durable skin, and with ordinary care there is no danger of damaging it. Under the fontanel we can see the pulse beating.

    The little face is puffy, and the eyes are

    swollen and reddened. This is also a result of strong compression during childbirth. Gradually everything comes back to normal, otherwise the doctor will need help. During childbirth, a newborn enters the eyes of the newborn, and sometimes they become festering, yellowish secretions and crusts appear on the eyelids. In this case, the doctor will appoint you special solutions for washing the eyes. If the suppuration is not strong, you can use a decoction of chamomile for washing. Remember that each eye should be washed with a new piece of sterile cotton or lignin.

    A weak child, until he gets stronger and learns to control the muscles of the eyes, sometimes has a strabismus, because it is difficult for him to focus his eye on an object, and one eye can "float away."This is considered harmless and by 6 months passes without treatment. But the doctor's observation is necessary.

    Like all people, newborns have sulfur from their ears, which is normal, but there should not be other excretions. If there is a suspicion that the discharge is purulent, urgently consult a doctor.

    While children are fed only breast milk, their tongue is white. This should not be an excuse for excitement.

    Some newborns get jaundice after birth in a day or two, which itself passes in a few days.

    On the skin, due to the accumulation of grayish-blue pigment, there may be pigment spots, which do not at all indicate a violation of the circulatory system. They eventually pass. Red spots on the skin arise from the same excessive compression during childbirth and soon disappear. In addition, the former Milk should be expressed on a regular basis, then it will be as much as the baby will need.

    Weight of newborns: boys - 3200-3700 g, girls - 3000-3500.

    Growth of newborns: boys - 50-52 cm, girls - 49-51 cm.

    there are many specks and red pimples with yellowish heads. They are formed because the skin of the newborn does not yet function fully. Special treatment, as a rule, is not required - after a couple of weeks the skin becomes clean.

    Peeling skin on the head is just as normal as peeling skin on the body, it does not mean that the child is poorly cared for. In order not to injure the tender skin, especially since most newborns have a lot of head and neck sweating, it's better not to do anything. It will be enough to lubricate the skin with a special ointment, which the doctor will prescribe, or vegetable oil.

    Children are born with a different amount of hair on the head: some do not have them, others can boast of thick curls. As a rule, most of them are "rolled out" and replaced. The color of new hair can be quite different.

    The newborn's calf is often covered with a thin layer of fluffy hair. A week or two after birth, this cover is wiped off, and the skin may begin to peel off.

    In the first 3-5 days of life, both in girls and in boys, swelling of the mammary glands is possible. Maybe even a little milk. This completely innocuous phenomenon is caused by a hormonal explosion in the mother on the eve of birth. All without a trace goes literally in a few days.

    Because of the weakness of the muscles of the abdominal wall in newborns, there may be umbilical hernia - a small bulge near the navel, which bulges out the stronger, the louder and longer the baby cries. Of course, this can not be called normal, but most of these hernias pass by the year of life.

    Sex organs of both boys and girls immediately after birth are swollen and reddened. The doctor will determine whether this is a norm or, in any case, medical assistance is required.

    Sometimes babies get mucus in their noses and they start sniffing and sniffing. Every newborn needs a certain amount of time to adapt to a new, completely different life outside the mother's body and to exist completely independently. At this time, the color of the skin changes, the glands can swell, spots appear, strange discharge. Such phenomena are considered perfectly normal, but only in the newborn. Every mother should know as much as possible about this, so as not to worry in vain. If, however, something seems suspicious to her, a pediatrician or a visiting nurse will always come to the rescue.

    camping. However, this does not mean that the child has caught a cold. In the first month of life, most babies cry without tears, and some cry with tears from birth. Both are normal.

    Do not worry if a baby spews a little after breastfeeding is common.

    Almost all newborns in the first day of life excrete meconium - a sticky greenish-black substance that fills the baby's intestines while it is in the womb of the mother.

    Newborn girls usually have a small amount of spotting in the first week. This is because of the female hormone estrogen, which gets into the girl's body from the mother shortly before birth. Colorless or whitish discharge from the genital cleft is also completely normal and ceases a few days after birth.