  • One, two, three, say!

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game is the first step in the development of focused attention. Usually, when a child is offered a task consisting of two or three actions, he, not having listened to it to the end, begins to act and performs only a part. This suggests that the child can not keep in his mind several conditions for the task, and therefore, and focus on them in their actions.

    The proposed game teaches children to distinguish several different conditions for solving the problem and take them into account when performing game actions. Some of these conditions require cognitive activity( find out the subject in the picture and remember how it is called, ie, mobilize your knowledge and ideas), while others require strong-willed efforts( not to name the subject ahead of time).

    The game is played with the whole group. In small groups, in turn, the children solve the teaching problem. Watching the actions of others and evaluating them, the child begins to better understand and understand the requirements and rules of the game. This helps him to act more successfully himself.

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    The game gives children the opportunity to actively act with objects.

    Game material. Pictures reflecting the child's environment. These can be familiar things, recognition and naming of which still requires some effort. For example, objects of dishes( kettle, tray, pan, etc.), flowers( rose, tulip, bell), animals( goat, pig, dog, squirrel, hare, wolf, etc.), insects( butterfly, beetle, caterpillar,flies, etc.), plants( fur-tree, birch, bush, etc.), clothes( dress, hat, coat, suit), furniture( table, chair, chair, wardrobe, etc.).The image of objects should be realistic, easily recognizable and attractive for kids. Such pictures can be selected from different types of lotto for preschoolers( botanical, zoological, lotto kids, lotto in four languages).It is desirable that the pictures were in duplicate. In addition, you need to have any material to encourage children - circles, counting sticks or asterisks.

    Description of the game and its techniques. Suggesting the children to sit in a semicircle, the teacher sits opposite them at the table where the play material is prepared. This is a stack of pictures for the game, as well as pictures, circles and stars to encourage children.

    The teacher offers the children to play with pictures: "I will show them one by one, and you - to call. Just call it after my signal. First, look carefully at what's drawn, and remember how it's called. But do not say anything until I say: "One, two, three - say!" Whoever first correctly calls the picture after my signal, he will receive it. Let's try! ยป

    The teacher takes the first picture, shows it to the children and suggests to think what is depicted on it, but do not speak at once, but just get ready to say."Once, two three-talk!" - these words are pronounced clearly, measuredly, and before the last word a small pause is maintained. The one who correctly names the picture first gets it. Having played this way with three different pictures, the teacher offers a new option. Now call the picture will not all children, but only four, in turn. Four children sitting on the edge are invited to call the picture, and all the rest - to evaluate their actions and call the winner. If the correct answer is given simultaneously by two children, they both get the picture. The rest of the children, if they did not violate the rule and correctly called the picture, receive incentive mugs.

    After the first four, the next one plays. So all in turn solve the teaching task, evaluate the correctness of the solution and reward the winners.

    When the whole stock of pictures is exhausted, the educator suggests to approach it to those who won one picture or one circle, and show them to everyone. The prize remains on the table with the tutor, and the children return to their places. Then the adult invites those who won two pictures, and then those who won two circles. He praises them for being attentive, they all clap. The winnings remain on the table, and the children sit down on the seats. Then children come out who have received many pictures and many circles. Everyone greets them, praises them for being the most attentive, and the educator awards them with asterisks.

    "And now," says the teacher, "let the children raise their hands who have not received anything. Do we have such? Why did not they give you anything? What do you think? "In a delicate form, the educator gives the children to understand that the cause of the failure was in themselves: they were inattentive, often distracted, violated the rules. The teacher expresses confidence that next time the children will certainly be attentive and will win something.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Before giving an answer, you need to carefully look at the picture and remember how the picture is called.

    2. You can call an item only after the words: "One, two, three - say!"

    3. The one who correctly and earlier named the subject gets the picture. Those who are late with an answer get a circle( wand).The one who answered prematurely, does not receive anything.

    Tips for the educator. This game gives you the opportunity to identify which of the children can be collected and attentive, and to whom it is given with difficulty. With such pupils it is better to play separately, in pairs, selecting children with approximately equal opportunities.

    An important aspect of the game is to encourage the achievements of its participants. This is especially needed by those children who are trying to mobilize their attention and apply the available knowledge. Noting the failure of individual children, you need to show tactfulness. Show your child your interest in his future successes and express confidence that he will learn to be attentive.