  • Physiotherapy

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    Simultaneously with the change in the nature of nutrition to normalize the work of the intestine, it is necessary to increase the motor activity. Find yourself in yourself and every day make yourself move, move and move: do gymnastics at home, sign up for a swimming pool, go to a fitness club, go for walks or jogs. The most useful for getting rid of constipation exercises for abdominal muscles and lower back.

    Gymnastic exercises are best performed in the morning, before meals, but you can study at any time convenient for you, but not with a full stomach! From the time of the meal before the beginning of the lessons must pass at least 2-6 hours.

    Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to drink 100-200 ml of cool water( if you are not allergic to the water, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey).

    Simultaneously it is necessary to get a habit( to work out a reflex) to release the rectum at a certain time. Waking up, to activate peristalsis, drink a glass of cool fruit or vegetable juice or water( with honey), then perform a set of gymnastic exercises and try to empty the intestines. It can also happen that after the drunk fluid you will feel the urge to go to the toilet.

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    Sequence of execution:

    sit on the floor, putting your left foot on your right hip and possibly removing the heel;

    shake up and down the right knee, trying to press it tightly to the floor;

    , then do the other leg. One knee always touches the floor;keep your back straight;

    fold the prayer palms together at the chest level( "hello, sun!").

    If it's difficult to put your foot on the hip, lower your foot to the floor so that its sole touches the hip. Daily for several minutes, press your foot to the floor to develop joints, make them flexible.

    Additional effect: calms the nervous system, promotes flexibility of joints, helps reduce fat deposits on the abdomen, has a therapeutic effect on the lumbosacral spine in osteochondrosis.


    Sequence of execution: sit on the floor, stretching your legs;

    on inspiration raise your hands up and place them behind your head;hold your breath for a few seconds;as much as possible relax the muscles of the arms and raise your arms up and forward( the head should be between the arms), tilting forward and torso;

    lean forward so that the chest and head lie on their feet, and hands grip the ankles( you can have your big toes) - the body resembles a folding knife;pull the stomach to increase the slope, hold your breath for the maximum time, relax all the muscles of the body;Now, simultaneously with a slow, calm inspiration through the nose, smoothly lift the trunk, head and arms up and back( the head is always between the hands) and return to the starting position.

    Additional effect: effective in the treatment of intestinal catarrhs, hemorrhoids, diabetes, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.


    Attention! Contraindicated to perform with intervertebral hernias, chronic appendicitis, cholelithiasis, with severe diseases of the heart muscle.

    Sequence of execution:

    Lie on the abdomen, legs pull and bring together, hands pull along the trunk;

    touch the forehead to feel the strong tension of the skin in the back of the neck and the tension of the neck muscles;slowly lift the left leg, cutting the muscles of the lower back and buttocks;

    rest on the floor with your left hand, while part of the weight is also on the stomach, which can not be separated from the floor;raise the leg as high as possible, you can make several swings up and down in the hip joint( the leg is stretched);

    The height at which you raise your leg does not matter - the purpose of the exercise is to reduce the muscles of the lower back and buttocks to increase the flow of blood to the lumbar region;

    hold your foot in the raised position for 3-4 seconds;lower your foot to the floor;

    when lifting the left leg, you need to lean on your left arm and strain the muscles only on the left side of the body.

    When performing a treatment posture, do not rotate the pelvis. The raised leg should not be very tense.

    Additional effect: effective for elderly people or suffering from back pain, since during exercise does not require muscle strain. Helps in the violation of the activities of the gastrointestinal tract, for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, for the normalization of kidney function. Eliminates deposits on the abdomen and thighs.

    Sequence of execution:

    place the legs wider than the shoulders( distance about one meter), and arms spread apart;

    turn right foot 90 ° outwards, left slightly to the left and bend to the right, while with your right hand, touch the right foot as close to the ankle as possible, and lift your left hand up( hands should make a straight line);

    look at your left hand;

    without holding your breath, stay in this position for 10 to 30 seconds;

    slowly take the starting position. Repeat the same to the left.

    Try not to bend your knees, shoulders should be straightened.

    Additional effect: strengthens immunity, including resistance to acute viral infections, strengthens the muscles of the thighs and legs, massages the organs in the lower abdomen, has a general rejuvenating effect.

    Sequence of execution: sit on the floor, legs are stretched, the back is straight;bend the right leg and pull your foot as close as possible to the body;The knee should lie on the floor;pull out your hands and slowly slide them to the foot, bending the upper body forward. There should be a feeling that the vertebrae "walk";firmly grasp the leg where you can: for the knee, ankle or caviar;

    bend your arms elbows out and down and slightly pull forward and down. In order not to get stretching, do the motion smoothly, without jerks, do not force yourself;slowly straighten. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

    Additional effect: strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and legs, activates the activity of the intestines, has a general rejuvenating effect.

    Urdha prasarita padasana

    Sequence of execution: lie on your back, put your hands under the palm of your hand under the basin;slowly lift straight legs, after 15 seconds they should be at right angles to the floor;remain in this position for a few seconds;Now slowly lower your legs - the closer to the floor, the slower.

    Additional effect: strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdomen, removes fat deposits and normalizes body weight, strengthens the back muscles, massages the digestive organs.

    Exercise Technique

    Master one exercise per week, performing it daily. Do every exercise should not hurry, after letting go of all the disturbing thoughts.

    During exercise, feel the ligaments, joints, muscles, experience the pleasure of muscle tension.

    Do not do exercise without desire and through strength. Set yourself up for training, and you will definitely succeed.

    As you master the exercises, make yourself a complex, after a month of training, change the exercises. Combine them.

    The general rule is that the load should be increased gradually, so the exercise should begin with a minimum number of repetitions. Then, as the muscles and joints adapt, as you train, the number of repetitions can and should be gradually increased.

    It is possible that the exercise did not give an early effect - the intestine did not wake up. In this case, perform the following exercise:

    after a deep breath, inflate the abdomen( protrude the abdominal wall),

    hold the breath for 5-10 seconds,

    then, while exhaling, simultaneously draw in the stomach,

    again hold the air for 5-10 seconds.

    Breathe in and exhale 3 times, then after inhaling, strain.

    Relax and repeat the exercise, but no more than 7-10 times in total.

    It may take some time to achieve the effect, but many have an intestinal release already in the first days.

    Warning! Before you start gymnastics, talk to your doctor. Perhaps you have a disease in which these public exercises are contraindicated.