  • Physical education in 2 and 3 years

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    Physical education of children in this segment of life is aimed at improving the quality of the basic movements, the formation of agility, the ability to overcome obstacles, the development of a correct posture, which is of great importance for the normal functioning of the child's body. With incorrect posture, respiratory organs especially suffer, the mobility of the chest decreases, the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, and the diseases of the upper respiratory tract become more frequent. Recommended as special physical training( morning hygienic gymnastics, physical exercises for the development of basic movements), and mobile games and sports entertainment. In addition, the independent motor activity of the child is of great importance.

    In order for a child to move freely at home, he needs to create appropriate conditions. In the room where he usually is, should be quite spacious. It is advisable to purchase or make for the child elementary physical culture aids: a smooth log covered with an oilcloth, a small ladder, a bench or a stool with a height of 15-20 cm, a height of a box, a basket, etc.

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    For children from 1 to 3 years, special complexes of physicalThe exercises that contribute to improving the development of the child's movements. There are 3 sets of exercises: for children under 1.5 years, from 1.5 to 2 years and from 2 to 3 years.

    The classes include: walking in a straight line, complicated walking( along a path, a board, a bench with a gradual decrease in width), stepping over obstacles( stick, cubes, etc.).All this develops a sense of balance. Also used are exercises in crawling( climbing into a hoop, climbing under a string), climbing( climbing and peeling from a ladder, drawer, stool), throwing small and large balls. The complexes include exercises for general development and breathing exercises, which are carried out from different positions( standing, sitting, lying).

    With a child at the age of 2 years, you can and should regularly conduct morning hygienic gymnastics. The systematic conduct of morning exercises favors the development of proper posture, trains and enhances the activity of all organs and systems( cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.).Morning hygienic gymnastics prepares the child's body for the load that he must overcome during the day. In addition, joint with the parents holding morning exercises has considerable educational value.

    Morning hygienic gymnastics consists of walking, jogging, bouncing, various general developing and breathing exercises.

    A very important element in the physical education of a child is mobile games. They are recommended to spend with the child at home, and during a walk. We advise to organize mobile games with a group of children to increase their interest in the game and encourage more activity. Special educational value is for children who do not attend preschool institutions.

    When carrying out outdoor games with a young child, pay attention to the development of skills such as running, jumping, climbing, etc. At any time of the year, you can also conduct sports exercises. These include sledding, skiing, cycling.

    On sleds, children over the age of 1.5 can ride on flat tracks, and also descend from small slides and then climb with sledges to the hill. This develops strength, agility, and determination in the child.

    With 2 years old baby can be put on skis, while observing the consistency and gradualness. First, the child goes skiing without sticks, you can first support him with one hand. When mastering the elements of such a walk, you can move to faster movements and teach your child to walk with sticks. These exercises develop all the major muscle groups, improve the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, and develop endurance.

    Biking( three-wheeled) is available to the child, starting from 1.5-2 years. It promotes the development of such qualities as dexterity, endurance, strengthens the muscles of the feet and feet, trains the cardiovascular and respiratory system. It is important only that the dimensions of the bicycle correspond to the growth of the child. Take care that these exercises do not lead to overfatigue of the baby. So, a child of 2.5-3 years old can ride a bicycle without a break for no more than 10-12 minutes, provided that he has already mastered this skill well.

    In the warm season, physical exercises, morning hygienic gymnastics, outdoor games and sports activities should preferably be conducted outdoors. Parents need to take care of the appropriate clothes for the baby. It should be free and easy. When practicing indoors, do not forget to ventilate it well beforehand. If the air temperature in the room is about 20 ° C, the child can do morning hygienic gymnastics in pants and slippers( or barefoot).In the cold season, doing physical exercises, outdoor games, the child should be dressed more easily than with a quiet walk.

    Once again, all activities and games should give the kid pleasure.