  • Osteoporosis treatment with folk remedies

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    Osteoporosis is a type of arthrosis characterized by atrophy, rarefaction of bone tissue. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that older people are subject to osteoporosis, this is not the case. It's not about age. More information about this disease look here.

    Our life is very fragile. And bones, unfortunately, too. Especially if calcium starts to wash out of them - the main building element. There is it imperceptibly - this is what osteoporosis is so cunning about. The man fell - and broke the rib! Or a clavicle, or a leg. .. Only then it becomes clear - the disease has already struck a man. Affects everyone It is known that 86% of bone mass is formed in 10-14 years. The age of reaching the peak of bone mass in different parts of the skeleton varies from 17 to 25 years. And then the bones begin to lose density. At all. .. For today the osteoporosis is an acute social problem. According to the World Health Organization, among non-communicable diseases, osteoporosis ranks fourth after diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncological pathology and diabetes mellitus. Analysis of the statistics gives disappointing results: today, about one in five people in Russia suffers from "a disease of fragile bones," but most patients are not even registered because they do not know about their disease.

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    Symptoms of : osteoporosis can be detected by self-diagnosis. In the absence of osteoporosis, the range of arms should be equal to the height of a person. Signs of osteoporosis can also be the appearance of stooping, low back pain, hip and wrist joints, looseness of the gums, as well as discomfort for a long time in the same position and rapid fatigue during physical exertion.

    Reduction of bone density in men is 0.5%, and in women 1-4% per year and gradually leads to osteoporosis. The disease initially does not manifest itself. The diagnosis is often made only after a severe fracture. The only symptom is pain in the back, which occurs with prolonged standing. But such pain people usually write off for fatigue and do not go to the doctor. Take a good look at yourself. To your hair and teeth. Preexoporous condition - when the teeth become at the edges as if translucent, the nails break, the hair is split. If you sometimes have legs, perhaps this is also a manifestation of osteoporosis, and it's time to check with your doctor.

    Risk factors can be divided into 2 groups.

    Unmanaged - do not depend on the person:

    Managed - depend on lifestyle and behavior and can be eliminated:

    Bone density is quickly and painlessly established by special examinations - radiography and densitometry. Densitometry allows to determine bone mineral density and predict the risk of fractures. This study plays an important role in the detection of osteoporosis at an early stage, when there are no fractures yet. Radiography can reveal osteoporosis only in late terms of the disease, after the fracture happened. Problems of osteoporosis are dealt with by rheumatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, you can consult a therapist. The first step in solving the problem is knowledge. Take a closer look at your loved ones: they may need a test or they need treatment. Help them and themselves to maintain their health.

    What's going on? The mechanism of osteoporosis is that due to hormonal disorders, human bones lose their main component - calcium: bone strength decreases, they become thin and brittle, easily break even with minimal physical exertion. Due to the restructuring of the endocrine system, in particular, degenerative changes in the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands and adrenal glands that regulate the mineral metabolism in the body, the enhanced leaching of calcium from the bones begins. Bones from dense, rigid, stony structures are transformed into fragile cellular formations, which lose the ability to withstand even the person's own weight.

    People who have bad teeth and frequent bone fractures are affected by osteoporosis. People with poor tolerance of solar radiation, allergy to dairy products, gallbladder and kidney diseases, as well as those who often have constipation, also have a great propensity for osteoporosis. For such people, the daily intake of calcium should be doubled, that is, 2500 mg per day."Suppliers" of calcium for them can become products such as shrimp and squid, shellfish and crab, oysters and fish( mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon).A large amount of calcium is also found in yoghurt, milk and cheese. Calcium is contained, in addition to the above, in cabbage, potatoes, citrus, legumes and cereals.

    Studies have identified that there are "risk factors" that contribute to the development of osteoporosis. In the first place is the wrong way of life, on the second - the wrong diet. Strong risk factors are smoking( causing serious hormonal changes in the body) and drinking alcohol( contributes to loss of bone mass).Huge harm is also caused by excessive and unbalanced nutrition. Meat products contain a large amount of salt, phosphorus and proteins, increasing the elution of calcium in the urine. Coarse-fibered food( cabbage, bran, rye bread, potatoes, etc.) dramatically reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Caffeine, contained in coffee, tea, chocolate and coca-cola, 5 times increases the excretion of calcium in the urine. Low physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle are a direct road to osteoporosis. Promotes the emergence of osteoporosis and the intake of drugs containing hormones, especially glucocorticoids( prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc.).

    What should I do? If you already have signs of osteoporosis, you should avoid curving the spine. For this, it is necessary to provide support for the back( back of a chair, chair, sofa) for most of the day. To sleep it is necessary on an equal firm surface with a rise on 30 ° at a head. Instead of bags and packages it is better to carry a backpack. In transport it is best not to sit, but stand, holding on to the upper railing with both hands. From shoes with high heels and a stiff inelastic sole should be discarded, replacing it with sports shoes. Clothes should be easy and not constraining movements in the joints. Narrow trousers, skirts and jackets should be replaced with knitwear.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends to consume onion soup once a day for a month. The soup recipe is very simple: 2 large onions to peel, chop, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Fried onions and husk from it put in a pan, pour a liter of water and boil for a quarter of an hour, then let it brew for half an hour;after which throw away the husks. The resulting soup is divided into 3 equal portions, one of which is consumed in food on the same day, the remaining two - in the next 2 days( store in the refrigerator and reheat before use).

    1. Required: 250 grams of red wine, 250 grams of rye flour.

    Method of preparation. Prepare the rye dough( on yeast or spoon).Wine should be placed on a slow fire, when it is heated to 50-60 ° C, remove it.

    How to use. Heated wine rubbed into the skin in a circular motion until it blushes. Then put the dough with gauze "coverlet" to the body and cover it with a thick layer of cotton wool. The duration of the procedure is 40-50 minutes.

    Doing such compresses is best every other day. The duration of the course is 5-10 days.

    2. For the treatment of osteoporosis, the following remarkable remedy can be used.

    Requires: 30 grams of red wine( preferably Cahors), 2-3 fresh burdock leaves, warmer.

    Method of preparation. Warm the wine lightly.

    How to use. Scratch the sore spot with wine, top with fresh burdock leaves, cover with a downy kerchief and put a heating pad on top. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours. Do not spend more than 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

    In osteoporosis, the following compresses can be made.

    1. Requires: 1/2 liter of vodka, 100 grams of chamomile flowers and sweet clover grass.

    Method of preparation. Herbs pour vodka, insist 3 days.

    How to use. Do compress all night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    2. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 200 g of birch buds.

    Method of preparation. Kidney fill with vodka and persist for 7 days.

    How to use. For compresses all night. Repeat the procedure every evening for 1 month.

    Take one ball of mummy twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, 20 minutes before meals. The course folk treatment of osteoporosis with mummies is 20 days. A ball of mummy should be with a match head, it must be dissolved in 70 ml of water. The course is 3 weeks, followed by a break for several days. You can repeat the course.

    Mumiye promotes the deposition of calcium in the bone mass.

    It is necessary to squeeze out the juice of ten lemons and pour it on six raw eggs. All this must be stored, covered with a rag, until the eggs themselves dissolve together with the shell. This will happen in about seven days. After that, you should add a three-hundred-gram can of honey and one hundred and fifty grams of cognac.

    Keep this mixture in the dark and take this folk remedy on one dessert spoon after eating.

    Rinse the eggshell, dry it and pour it into a powder in a mortar. Take every day for 1.5-3 grams in the morning with cottage cheese or porridge.

    For osteoporosis, it is also useful to take a tincture or a decoction of walnuts. Tincture is drunk on a tablespoon, and the broth - 75 ml each half an hour before meals.

    Treatment of osteoporosis with herbs
    1. Requires: 7 tbsp.l.herb ordinary, 25 grams of horseradish, 20 g of sour cream, a pinch of salt, 2 cups of water.
    Preparation: Grate boil in water for 2 minutes, grind. Horseradish grate, add horseradish, sour cream, salt.
    Application: The resulting "salad" to eat at one time. Repeat every day.

    2. Requires: 1 onion, peel of carrots, potatoes, garlic and beets, 1 tbsp.l.sunflower oil, 0.5 liters of water.
    Preparation: Unclean the onion and chop and fry in sunflower oil until golden brown, then add water and cook. From the peel, cook the broth and pour into the onion. Ready to filter the drink.
    Usage: Drink every day.

    Required: 2 tbsp.l.honey, 5 eggs, 5 lemons, 50 ml of cognac or cognac.
    Preparation: Eggs break and mix with honey, dry the shell and grind into powder. Squeeze juice from lemons and pour eggs on them. After 5 days, combine both mixtures and add cognac( Cahors), mix.
    Application: Take 25-30 ml once a day until the mixture is finished. Repeat 3 courses with a three-day break.

    Also in case of osteoporosis, it is necessary to follow a diet. First of all, you should exclude coffee and use milk and dairy products like cottage cheese, eat fish, cauliflower, sea nuts, beans, eggs and cream as much as possible.

    Prevention of osteoporosis is an active way of life, strengthening the musculoskeletal tone of the body, healthy eating. It is necessary not less than half an hour a day to give a leisurely walk, especially on sunny days.

    Good posture helps to prevent back pain and fatigue. Your muscles and joints can move more effectively. But at first, when you try to keep your back straight, the back and abdominal muscles may ache a bit, because they are not used to this position. To reduce discomfort, gradually increase the time during which you hold the posture. Good posture will help to avoid muscle injuries. Especially if it is combined with good body biomechanics. Good posture improves breathing;increases the capacity of the chest.

    You will feel better. Imagine how depressed people usually stand. They are difficult to imagine with a straight back. Then imagine happy, joyful people. Most likely, they will arise in your imagination standing straight, and not slouching. Posture affects the mental state of a person.

    You will improve your balance, which will reduce the likelihood of falls and fractures.