  • Twelve months

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    Based on the Slavic fairy tale by S. Marshak.


    Purpose. Educate goodwill, respect for hardworking people and a negative attitude towards such qualities as laziness, greed, rudeness;to teach to express gratitude for the shown attention, kind attitude.

    To improve knowledge about the seasons, the features of nature in different months. Teach with the help of facial expressions, intonation to convey the characters of the characters, their attitude to people.

    Characters. Lead, Mashenka, Stepmother, Lenivitsa, months, characters for various mass scenes.

    Preparing for the game. Show a filmstrip on the story of S. Marshak "Twelve Months".Making the necessary attributes, decorations.

    Let the guys take an active part in the preparation of this game. Draw along with them pictures reflecting typical changes in nature, characteristic for each month. Draw these drawings in a circle, arranging a circular panorama. In the middle there will be a fire. It can be made of red paper ribbons, which will flutter like a flame when the fan mounted under them.

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    A bonfire can be imitated in another way, for example using a red light bulb, which flares up at the behest of the months.

    And if you like this version of the dramatization, use the following recommendations. Draw the snow-covered trees, snowdrifts, huts on the one side, and trees, bushes with half-opened buds, young leaves, glades with snowdrops, on the one side, with the children on large, thick sheets of paper. Then attach the straps to the pictures. Get a lot of medallions.

    After putting them on, the children will first represent the winter. To create a picture of the spring forest, you just need to turn the medallion shield to the other side. Such living scenery is liked by children, since they give an opportunity to all actively participate in the game.

    Do not forget to make attributes for snowflake children, as well as snowdrop flowers, design details for each month. Here the imagination is not limited: the main thing is that the month be guessed unerringly.

    Material. Voice recording of a fairy tale. Bibabo dolls: stepmother, her own daughter - Lazyvitsa, as well as their masks cut from paper.(Masks will be useful if these roles are accepted by the children.)

    For the theater on the screen, there are two types of scenery in the background:

    1. A room in a peasant hut.

    2. The Garden of the Stepdaughter.

    Attributes for those who will play the role of months, snowflakes.

    Various months gifts( they should be changed to each game in order to keep the surprise).A flashlight is used to light a fire.

    The course of the game. First of all, you need to distribute roles. Since children do not like to play the role of negative characters, take them on yourself, using the bibabo dolls. For the role of Masha you can choose a girl who can cope better with her task. She will stand by the screen and, looking upwards, talk with her stepmother and Laziness( bibabo dolls).For months, boys and girls will be happy. In the first game, children pronounce their cues for tape recording. In the future - independently.

    Before the game, arrange the children around the panorama.

    Lead. Do you know how many months of the year?

    Children. Twelve.

    Lead. And what are their names?(To the music slowly rotates the panorama, demonstrating the changes in nature that appear with the arrival of each month.)

    The children, referring to the illustrations, refer to the months: January, February, March, etc. The leader continues to rotate the panorama.

    Only one month has ended, another begins immediately. And it has never happened that February came earlier than January, and May would overtake April.

    Months go one after another and never meet.

    But people say that in a mountainous country of Bohemia there was a girl who saw all twelve months at once.

    How did this happen, children?(Pause.)

    And here's how( gesture points to the screen for the puppet theater.) It opens, and everyone sees the image of the room of a peasant hut.).

    Lead. In one small village lived an angry and mean woman with a daughter and a stepdaughter. She loved the daughter, and her stepdaughter Masha could not please her.

    A stepmother appears, threatens with her finger Mashenka, unable to hide her anger. The girl submissively performs various household chores.

    Whatsoever does - everything is wrong, no matter how it turns - all the wrong way.

    Sounds a sad melody.

    It was winter. It was January month.

    Children come out with images of snow-covered trees, huts, snowdrifts.

    There was so much snow that it had to be shoveled off the doors.

    Mashenka scoops the bottom of the screen, as if near the house, but the drifts do not decrease. The stepmother is angry with her again.

    And in the forest on the mountain( attracts children's attention to the forest), the trees stood to the waist in snowdrifts and could not even swing, when the wind blew on them.

    People were sitting in houses and stoked the stoves.

    At such a time in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door, looked at the snowstorm blowing( my stepmother is shivering from the cold), and then returned to the warm stove and tells the stepdaughter. ..

    Stepmother( evil, with a mockery).Would you go to the forest and get the snowdrops there. Your sister's birthday tomorrow.

    Lead. She looked at her stepmother with fear.

    Mashenka. Are you joking or are you really sending me into the forest? Scary in the woods now, and what kind of snowdrops are among the winter? Before March, they will not be born, but do not look for them. Only you will be lost in the forest, you will become stuck in the snowdrifts.

    Lead. And my sister tells her. ..

    Laziness( mockingly).If you disappear, nobody will cry for you.(Then it's rude.) Go, do not come back without flowers. Here's your basket.(Leaves with his stepmother and goes to bed.)

    Leader( coming out from behind the screen, shaking his head sympathetically).Masha cried, wrapped herself in a ragged handkerchief and left the door.(The musical image of a blizzard.) The wind blows snow to her eyes, the handkerchief from her tears. She walks, barely stretches her legs from the snowdrift.(The gesture reminds the children of snowdrifts so that they hold the girl.)

    Everything becomes darker. The sky is black, and the earth is a little lighter. Here is the forest.

    Children-trees encircle the girl.

    It's completely dark - you do not see your hands.(Sadly.) Masha sat down on a fallen tree and sits. Anyway, thinks where to freeze.

    Sounds of plaintive music.

    And then a spark flashed between the trees. Like a star among the branches is tangled.(Includes an electric flashlight at the far end of the room.)

    A girl rose and went to this light. He sinks in the snowdrifts, climbs over the windbreak. She whispers with hope: "If only the light does not go out!"

    Mashenka( joyfully).And it does not go out, it is burning brighter. There was a smell of smoke. Do you hear how the fire crackles in the fire?

    Lead. The girl added a step and went out into the clearing, and so she froze.(Turns on the fire.)

    Mashenka( surprised).It's light in the clearing, just like the sun.

    Brothers appear for months and settle around the fire.

    Lead. Among the clearing a large fire burns - almost to the very sky gets it. And around the fire sit people who are closer to the fire, who is far away. They sit and quietly talk.

    A girl looks at them and thinks. ..

    Mashenka. Who are they? The hunters do not seem to be alike, the woodcutters are even less: they are so smart - who is in silver, who is in gold, who is in green velvet.

    Lead. She began to count. Children, help her.(Counted with Mashenka.) Counted twelve: three old, three elderly, three young, and the last three are still boys. Young people are sitting near the fire, and the old people are at a distance.

    And suddenly one old man turned round, the tallest, the most bearded, and looked in the direction where the girl was standing.

    She was frightened, she wanted to escape( depicts), but it's too late. The old man asks. ..

    January( loudly).Where did you come from? What do you want here?

    Lead. The girl showed her empty basket and said. ..

    Mashenka. I need to get into this basket of snowdrops.(Everyone is surprised.)

    January( laughing so contagiously that all the participants in the game start laughing after him).Is it in the snowdrops in January? What's up with it!

    Mashenka. I did not invent it, but my stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and did not order me to return home without flowers.

    Lead. Then all twelve months they looked at her and began to talk among themselves.

    Months are leaning towards each other, whispering.

    We listen( to the children) - words are not heard, as if they are not talking people, and the trees are noisy. They talked, talked and fell silent. And the tall old man turned around and asked. ..

    January. What will you do if you do not find snowdrops? After all, they will not look out before March of the month. Mashenka( sighed heavily).I'll stay in the forest, I will wait for March and a month. It is better to freeze in the forest than to return home without snowdrops.

    Mashenka cries, and the leader looks at the children, looking for sympathy.

    Lead. And suddenly one of the twelve, the youngest, in a fur coat on one shoulder, stood up and went to the old man.

    March. Brother January, give me an hour for your place.

    Lead. He stroked his long beard and said. ..

    January. I would have conceded, but not to go to March before February.

    February( grumblingly).Okay, give in, I will not argue!

    January. Well, be your way.(Knocks on the ground with his ice staff.)

    Do not crack, frosts, In the reserved forest, At the pine, at the birch do not gnaw the bark!

    Completely you Crow Freeze, Human habitation Drain.

    ( In repeated play these words are spoken by children depicting the winter.)

    Lead. The old man stopped, and silently stood in the woods. The trees ceased to crackle from the frost, and the snow began to fall thickly, with large soft flakes( gives a sign to the snowflake children to make a snowstorm).

    January. Well, now it's your turn, brother( gives the staff to his younger brother - February).

    February( knocks staff with musical accompaniment).

    Winds, storms, hurricanes, Blow that there is urine! Whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards, Play to the night!

    In the clouds, blow it out loud, Poke over the earth! Let him run in the fields of a drifting white snake!

    Lead. And only he said it, as the wind whistled in the branches. The snow flakes began to spin, white whirlwinds rushed through the earth. And February gave his ice staff to his younger brother and said. ..

    February. Now it's your turn, brother Mart.

    Lead. The younger brother took a staff and struck them against the ground.

    A girl is looking, and this is no longer a staff. This is a large branch covered with kidneys.(This is a surprise moment to be thought out in advance.)

    Mart smiled and sang ringing, in his entire boyish voice( to the music).


    Snow is no longer the same - It darkened in the field. The ice cracked on the lakes, As if splintered. Clouds are running faster The sky is higher, Zachirikal sparrow Cheerful on the roof.

    All blacker with every day Stitches and paths, And on silver willows Shining earrings. Run up, streams! Flow, puddles! Get out, ants, After the winter cold!

    A bear walks through the forest fallen asleep, The birds sing songs, And the snowdrop has blossomed.

    Lead. Masha even clasped her hands. Where did the high snowdrifts go?

    The children turn the medallion shields to the other side.

    Where are the icicles that hung on each branch? Under the feet of a soft spring land. Around the caplet, flows, murmurs. Sounds merry music, conveying a spring mood.

    Kidneys on the branches puffed up, and the first green leaves were already peering out from under the dark peel.(Draws the attention of the children and Mashenka to the scenery with spring views.) She looks at the girl and can not look.

    March."What are you standing there for?"Hurry, you and I were given only one hour by my brothers.

    Moderator. The girl woke up and ran into the thicket of snowdrops to look for.

    Children, depicting the spring, are giving flowers.

    Mashenka. Oh, how many of them - apparently invisible! Under bushes and under rocks, on bumps and under bumps - wherever you look. Here! Has typed the full basket, a full apron. Now, rather, back to the clearing, where the fire was burning, where twelve brothers were sitting.

    While Masha collects flowers, the brothers-months take off their attributes and sit down among the spectators, their bonfire is extinguished.

    Moderator. And there is already no fire, no brothers. It's light in the clearing, but not as before. Not from the fire light, but from the full month that went up over the forest.

    The girl regretted that there was no one to thank her, and she ran home. And a month after it swam.

    Without feeling under her feet, she ran to her door, and walked into the house, as the winter blizzard buzzed again behind the windows, and the month hid in the clouds.

    Snowflake children are playing with music. On medallions again the image of winter. The presenter goes behind the screen and takes out the dolls - stepmother and her daughter.

    Stepmother( with gloating).Well? Already returned home? And where are the snowdrops?

    Mashenka gives them a basket with snowdrops.

    Laziness( opening his mouth and goggling with astonishment).But where did you get them?

    Masha tells everything, as it was, in her own words.

    Lead. They listen to both and only shake their heads - they believe and do not believe.

    Stepmother. It's hard to believe, but there's a whole heap of snowdrops on the bench-fresh, blue. This is how the month of March blows from them.(He exchanges glances with Laziness.)

    Did they give you anything more?

    Mashenka. Yes, I did not ask for anything else.

    Lazy.(mockingly and with regret).For some reason I met with all the twelve months, but I did not beg for anything but snowdrops. Well, if I were you, I'd know what to ask.

    ( Says greedily.) One - apples and pears sweet, another - strawberries ripe, the third - white mushrooms, the fourth - fresh cucumbers. Stepmother( approvingly).Clever girl, daughter, in winter strawberries and pears prices are not. We would sell all this and how much money we would get!(Further evil.) And this fool of snowdrops has trained.(Gently.) Get dressed, daughter, warm up and go to the clearing. They will not spend you, for nothing, that there are twelve of them, and you are alone.

    On this you can finish the first game.

    The second begins with the collection of Laziness in the forest. Perhaps one of the girls will want to fulfill this role. In order not to injure the performer, give her a Laziness mask, to which she can cover her face, as if it were not her, but a negative character.