  • Meal after a year

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    At the beginning of the second year of life the child is transferred to four meals a day. Each of the feeds gradually acquires an "adult" color, corresponding in shape and content to breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The first quantitative and qualitative fluctuations in feeding appear. The amount of food for lunch increases slightly, but decreases in snack.

    The main irreplaceable component of food - proteins of animal and vegetable origin. Animal proteins are considered high-grade, since they contain all the necessary and essential amino acids for the body, from which proteins that are peculiar only to a given person are synthesized. Vegetable proteins contained in cereals, peas, beans, berries, fruits, some vegetables, are less valuable. Without combining them with animal proteins, rational feeding is impossible. Milk, meat, poultry, fish, eggs belong to products with a high content of animal protein and therefore should form the basis of the protein diet of the baby.

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    However, it is impossible to put an equal sign between proteins of animal origin. Milk is the only food product in which proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts are in the optimal, most favorable for assimilation ratio. Milk proteins( like its other components) are most easily digested and absorbed. Therefore, milk and dairy products should be the main food of the child. Cottage cheese is a kind of concentrate of milk protein. And since it is easily digested from the first months of life, they are widely used for various protein supplements to the diet. Curd does not excite the nervous system, and it can be included in any meal. Cheese, like cottage cheese, is the most important source of phosphorus-calcium compounds involved in the formation of bones. Cheese for children of the second year is given in grated form, as seasoning to pasta, or in a mixture with butter on sandwiches( mild and low-fat varieties).

    It is necessary to include a certain amount of meat daily in the child's diet. Meat dishes should preferably be given in the first half of the day, as they are digested longer and, eaten at night, unnecessarily excite the nervous system, disrupting sleep.

    Sea fish( cod, perch, hake, etc.) for baby food is preferable to river and lake food, as it contains iodine compounds. River fish with disturbed metabolism( exudative diathesis) sometimes causes an exacerbation of the disease. The cod is most easily digested.

    Eggs and bird meat are useful, fairly easy to digest. But in children with metabolic disorders( allergy, exudative diathesis), the protein of the bird can cause an exacerbation of the underlying disease. Until one and a half years old children are encouraged to give only krutosvarenny egg yolk. A full egg can be given to a child at the end of the second year of life not more often than three times a week and also krutosvarennym.

    Full nutrition is unthinkable without animal and vegetable fats, which complement each other. With this combination, the child receives a complex of fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, K, F. In low-melting fats there are unsaturated fatty acids - biologically active substances, especially necessary for humans. Fats of vegetable origin consist mainly of these acids - linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic, etc. The most useful is sunflower, corn, flaxseed oil. Vegetable oil is desirable to give children mostly in raw form, adding vegetable mashed potatoes and grated vegetable dishes.

    Milk fat is in a state of emulsion, so it is easier to digest than other fats. In cream, cream, butter, and a small amount of milk protein. This combination is more useful than pure milk fat( ghee).Of animal fats, the lowest melting point, and hence the greater digestibility, is possessed by the smale( interior pork fat).Children of the second year of life can use this product in small amounts 1-2 times a week. Pork( spiny) fat, beef and mutton fat are not recommended in the dietetics of children of the first years of life because of the difficulty of their assimilation.

    The third most important component of food - carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include sugars( glucose, fructose, sucrose).Sugars are found mainly in berries, fruits and most vegetables. They increase the metabolism and help to rid the body of excess fluid.

    A huge amount of simple sugars is found in honey. The beneficial effect of honey on the body far exceeds its nutritional value. Honey raises strength, helps fight against microorganisms, improves the function of the central nervous system. Used honey in its pure form, divorced, cooked. To infants, especially those suffering from allergic reactions, honey should be used with caution in connection with its strong and diverse action.

    Complex carbohydrates such as starch have a huge energy reserve, which during digestion is released in equal portions as the polysaccharides split into simpler compounds. Starch is found mainly in cereals, corn and potatoes. Foods rich in starch, somewhat slow down the metabolism and contribute to fluid retention in the body.

    Nutritionists widely use the ability of carbohydrates to accelerate or slow down the metabolism, cause a delay or, conversely, the removal of fluid from the body. Vegetables, rich in simple carbohydrates( sugars), help to digest starch. Therefore, if the diet contains foods rich in starch, it is desirable that they are combined with mashed vegetables or fruits. It is also useful to combine cereals directly with vegetables and fruits: soups, pumpkin porridge, cereals with sweet fruit or berry gravy. In vegetables and fruits are various carbohydrates, vegetable protein and even a little fat. In addition, vegetables and fruits are the main carriers of biologically active substances: vitamins, enzymes. Vegetables stimulate growth. Pectin and fiber, contained in vegetables and fruits, regulate the speed of food movement through the intestines, promote the removal of waste substances and even neutralize individual poisons. Almost all vegetables and fruits also have some medicinal properties.

    Vegetables - the main source of mineral salts that regulate all vital functions of the body. With a sufficient number of dairy-plant nutrients in the diet, the body receives the necessary mineral salts and trace elements. Extractive substances contained in vegetables and fruits, have a cocaine effect, improve digestion. On this property of vegetables recommendations are made to combine them with meat and fish dishes, requiring for their digestion a large number of digestive juices. The tradition of completing a dinner with dessert from raw or cooked fruits is explained by the stimulating effect of fruit juices( or broths) on the process of digesting food. Fruits and compotes are natural carriers of water-soluble vitamins. It should be remembered that children at the beginning of the second year of life are not yet able to chew food. This causes the need for its special machining. All dishes should be semi-liquid, puree, thoroughly wiped through a sieve.

    Feeding a baby through a nipple at this age is harmful. The kid, receiving a puree food from a spoon, instinctively makes chewing movements before swallowing. A feeding through the nipple subsequently leads to difficulties in chewing food, increased reflex excitability of the posterior pharyngeal wall and the rejection of any food other than liquid. The smallest grains of nutrients will cause vomiting in this child. It will take a lot of effort and, frankly, the torments of parents, the child and medical workers, before the baby learns to swallow solid food.

    Separately it is necessary to say about bread. If at the end of the first year of life the child received biscuits and slices of soaked white bread, then in the first months of the second year bread and cookies continue to be soaked in soup and milk. And by a year and a half the Kid is already able not only to bite off, but also chew regular bread. In addition to 40 grams of white and 10 grams of biscuits, a child from this time can consume 10 g of black bread. It is better to give it to dinner.

    In the second year of life the child must have his own dishes. Children's tableware is acceptable in size, attractive for coloring and usually contains as much food as the baby needs. This brings up the habit of eating up the whole portion to the end. In addition, the small size of children's dishes excludes the use of it not for its intended purpose. When a child gets to a common table, children's dishes seem to remind us of his food isolation and the inability to receive the food of adults.

    Children's tableware is also good because it makes it easier to bring up the child's accuracy during meals. We must teach him to use a napkin, do not crumble the bread, do not smash the porridge on the plate, do not indulge at the table and not be distracted from eating. All this is possible only in cases when adults themselves do not entertain and distract the baby.

    The importance of dietary activities in the second year of life is so great that we consider it advisable to recommend a weekly menu. It reflects the possible options for using different dishes when taking into account daily needs in the basic components of the

    writing. Healthy children of the second year of life are also under constant medical supervision, only the visiting nurse does not go to their home. Children should visit the district doctor in the children's polyclinic at least once a quarter. This allows you to monitor the correctness of their physical and mental development, to control feeding, to teach more complex gymnastic exercises, to conduct prevention of rickets, diathesis and infectious diseases.

    At the age of 15-18 months the child should be given a preventive vaccination against mumps( mumps).The vaccine against this infection is administered once and protects children from a disease that often entails serious complications in the form of a lesion of the central nervous system( serous meningitis), after which residual events of different severity are observed in some children. Introduction: mumps vaccine does not cause any reactions from the body of the vaccinated child, is not accompanied by a deterioration in his state of health. Only a few children develop denseness and redness at the site of administration of the vaccine, the body temperature briefly increases, sometimes parotid glands increase, and short-term abdominal pain occurs.