  • Nutrition after a year and a half

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    Essential changes undergone all systems of the body, including digestion. The growth of milk teeth, which ends only at the beginning of the third year of life, continues. Increases the capacity of the stomach. There is further improvement in the function of the digestive glands, liver and pancreas. In the large intestine, a specific microflora stabilizes, helping to decompose cellulose, synthesize B vitamins and at the same time creates a threat of the bowel barrier function that has not yet completely formed. Improved ability not only to distinguish, but also to memorize the taste of various foods and dishes. A clear rhythm of taking, digesting and promoting the eaten food, as well as the disposal of waste substances, is developed. Basic personal hygiene skills are being formed. Taking into account these features determines the rules for feeding children in the fourth half of the year.

    Children in the fourth half of the year wipe the food is not necessary. It should be well boiled, stewed and kneaded with a fork. Fried dishes at this age are not shown.

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    By the end of the second year of life, the intensity of digestion is weakening. The growth of the capacity of the stomach seems to be ahead of the required amount of food. There is the possibility to vary food in quantitative terms. Lunch is given to the child in a slightly larger volume. So the ability of the organism to receive in the future the main part of the daily diet in the first half of the day is prepared.

    The qualitative side of the food should be taken into account. The first, morning, and last, evening, feeding should consist of relatively easily digestible dishes: vegetable or fruit puree and various cereals( 150 g), products from cottage cheese. You can drink them with kefir, yogurt, milk( 100 g).A total of 700 grams of milk per day for a child of the second year of life.

    Lunch should consist of three courses: a liquid rubbed soup or borsch in the volume of 100 g( half a cup), a relatively thick vegetable purée( 70-80 g), meat or fish( 60 g) in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs or minced meat from boiled meat, liver pate. The third is desirable fruit or berry juices, mashed fruits and berries, compotes, occasionally jelly( 10 g), refreshed with juice.

    In addition, the children of the fourth half of life can already be given before dinner a snack in the form of salads from vegetables and fruits, which, of course, must be grated( grated carrots with apples, grated beetroot with sour cream or lemon juice, grated cucumber, peeled tomato).The amount of salad is small, 1-2 tablespoons. Its purpose is to stimulate the appetite and stimulate digestion.

    For an afternoon snack, it is usually 10-15% of the total daily ration. Almost the afternoon tea comes down to milk or kefir( 100-150 g) with a biscuit( bun) and fruit or berry puree( 100 g).Cottage cheese sauces are allowed if they are not in other feedings. The total daily amount of food varies between 1100-1200.

    If to children of an earlier age vegetable mashed potatoes are prepared from potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots in equal parts, then during this period the composition of vegetables can be varied, taking into account the taste needs of the child. However, one should not reduce vegetable mashed potatoes only to potatoes. The high content of starch in potatoes makes it difficult to digest, especially in the absence of other vegetables. The daily rate of potatoes is very easy to establish. These are two potatoes, approximately equal to the size of the child's cams. The total number of other vegetables per day is 150-200 g. Of these, you can prepare complex vegetable purees daily or more simple, but different by the days of the week. In a set of vegetables, in addition to white cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, green peas, zucchini, cauliflower, onions should be included. It is good to use special baby canned food as a vegetable puree. Two hundredgrams of a can of mashed potatoes are enough for two meals during the day or it can be given again on another day. The opened jar should be closed tightly with a lid and stored in a refrigerator.

    Kashi is one of the nourishing meals for baby food. Rich in starchy substances, they are digested relatively long and all this time replenish the body with energy. Now the porridge takes a more modest place in dietetics, as it is found out that a number of cereals( wheat, from which manna, artek and others, oats are made) contains phytic acid, which disrupts the absorption of calcium from food, thus creating the prerequisites for the emergenceand more severe course of rickets. The inclusion of vegetable dishes in the daily ration eliminates this drawback. Similarly, the addition of raisins, prunes, pumpkin puree, jam or jam. Kasha in the beginning is advisable to cook on water, so that the cereal grains are well swelled, and then add milk. The combination of cereals with milk brings the whole complex of substances necessary for its development. Rinse the rump in hot water and boil it. The peculiarity of the preparation of cereals consists in the fact that the digestion of cereal grains goes layer by layer and requires a certain time for complete softening: 20 minutes for semolina, 30 minutes for oatmeal, 40-60 minutes for rice, 1-1.5 hours for buckwheat,oatmeal and pearl barley - 2 - 2,5 hours. Cooked in this way porridge is not only easier to digest, but also more fully. Oil in porridge is added before serving it on the table.

    It is advisable to give different porridges within a week: once semolina, twice buckwheat and oats, once rice. You can occasionally vary the menu millet, pearl barley, barley porridge and boiled vermicelli. Mousse of semolina must be given only as a sweet dish at the end of lunch or at noon.

    The first lunch dish( borsch, soup or soup) is prepared, as a rule, on a meat broth. Borsch or soup is preferable, as they contain more vegetables. Do not get involved in soups, it is enough to cook them twice a week. The first dish for the child of the second year of life is prepared separately, and not borrowed from a common pan. Vegetables for the child should be cooked longer, crushed, and the usual seasonings for adults( tomato sauce, fried onions, pepper, bay leaf and other spices) will not benefit the child. Soups are usually cooked with cereals or with pasta.

    It is necessary to include fish soup in the weekly diet and sometimes milk. Fish soup should be prepared from fresh or frozen fish, but not from fish canned food, abundantly flavored with spices. If small fresh fish is taken to prepare the broth, it must be carefully filtered before laying the vegetables. The composition of milk soup can be very different, but all soups are practically equivalent. Therefore, milk soup can be cooked as it is customary in the family. It is advisable to give the baby milk soup freshly prepared. As in porridge, milk is added to the end of cooking.

    The second dinner dish should include a protein component( mainly meat, sometimes fish or cottage cheese).Meat( veal, lean beef or rabbit, occasionally chicken) is released from films and bones, is passed through a meat grinder. From this stuffing meatballs, meatballs, steam cutlets, etc. are prepared. In some cases boiled meat is used for stuffing. Similarly, prepare dishes from fish. Sausage products( sausages, sausages, boiled sausages, even lean varieties), smoked and salted fish are inadmissible in the dietetics of the child of the second year of life. They have a lot of spices and salts, the meat is quite tough, and the child's ability to chew food at this age is still inadequate. In this regard, with the use of sausages, pickles, smoked products, fat, there can be a sharp digestive disorder. Market curd and blade cheese should not be eaten by a child without a preliminary heat treatment, since bacterial contamination can occur with unclean cooking. So you should treat any cottage cheese, not cooked with your own hands.

    For a dessert for dinner, natural fruit juices, mashed fruits and berries, children's fruit canned food, mousse, compote, and occasionally refreshed jelly are recommended.

    By the end of the second year of life, the child is entitled to 60 to 70 grams of bread. This includes 20 grams of black or gray bread, 40 grams of white bread and 10 grams of biscuits. Bread is not only a food product. Chewing it helps strengthen the gums and teeth, trains the receptors of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx to the sensation of solid food constituents. Avoid cakes, pies, sandwich products, as buns include foods that are not recommended in the dietetics of children of the second year of life.

    Children love sweets, they are eager to reach them, and it is sometimes difficult for parents to deprive a child of sweet. Pastilles, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, candies are quite acceptable as sweet dessert, a means of encouragement and a festive gift. At the same time, chocolate, chocolate candy and other products with chocolate should not be given to children of the first years of life, because they unnecessarily excite the nervous system, often cause allergic skin and mucous membrane rashes, slow intestinal motility.

    Some products( bread, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, sugar, meat, butter and milk) should be given strictly on a daily basis, others( cereals, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream) can not be consumed daily, because ofThe daily dose of them can not be cooked a separate dish. Fish and curd dishes are given several times a week on the basis of the weekly consumption rate of the

    product. A metabolic disorder associated with exudative diathesis may in some cases lead to malfunctions in the nervous regulation of these processes. The rhythm of bronchial peristalsis is disrupted, short periodical spasms of bronchial muscles appear, the lumen of the bronchi changes, and certain difficulties arise for the movement of the exhaled air. This is manifested by peculiar whistling, scraping shades of breath, which serves as an external sign of asthmatic bronchitis. This condition is not bronchial asthma, but only an asthmatic component. It worsens the course of colds and requires certain adjustments in their treatment.

    Excessive production of nasal and bronchial mucus, constantly falling into the stomach, can cause or maintain chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. There are signs of indigestion: an eructation, nausea, an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region immediately after eating, a whitish coating on the tongue, a rumbling in the abdomen. Children lose their appetite, become whimsical, irritable and often complain of short-term, unstable pain in the abdomen. These pains are caused by spasms of smooth musculature of the intestine.

    Lesions of the mucous membranes of the urine of the leading tracts with exudative diathesis in the second and third years of life in some children are manifested only by small deviations in the composition of the urine, in others - by frequent painful urination. When examining such children, the bladder, renal pelvis, ie, the picture of pyelocystitis, is diagnosed.

    Some children with exudative diathesis at the age of 2-3 years can suddenly experience sharp edema of the eyelids or lips. This is the so-called limited angioedema, associated, as a rule, with dietary errors.

    In children of this age group, further changes in the lymphatic system are noted. Along with periodic swelling of cervical, axillary, inguinal lymph nodes, lymphoid elements of the nasopharynx, as well as palatine tonsils and adenoids grow. On their surface, deep folds( lacunae) form into which food particles enter. These folds turn red, purulent fuses appear in them, sometimes raids. Often repeated inflammations of the tonsils( tonsillitis) are terrible not only because they are accompanied by high body temperature and sore throat, but also because, as a constant focus of infection, allergizes the body.

    In this age period, colds and nutritional errors are the main causes of diseases. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the long stay of children in the open air, the carrying out of tempering procedures. Dressing children is easy, overheating for them is no less dangerous than hypothermia.

    Diet in exudative diathesis should be observed as strictly as in the first year of life. When abusing animals with proteins and fats, there are easy exacerbations of the disease. It follows that any overeating to these children is especially harmful.

    Children with exudative diathesis, who have a tendency to fluid retention in the subcutaneous tissue, should limit the use of salt. This will cause a natural decrease in the need for drinking.

    A large variety of foods in the second year of life requires a certain degree of regulation so as not to cause exacerbation of exudative diathesis.

    Egg white and Bird meat are excluded from the diet, since they are composed of so small molecules that they can partially penetrate unchanged through the intestinal mucosa into the bloodstream and cause a sharp exacerbation of exudative diathesis. Sea fish is preferable to river fish, as it is rich in iodine compounds, which reduce inflammatory processes. Vegetable oil must be introduced into the diet of children with exudative diathesis, not only to replace animal fats, but also as a carrier of unsaturated fatty acids, leveling the disturbed metabolism. Sometimes you can use pork interior fat.

    All vegetables belong to alkaline carbohydrates and are directly shown as the main food element of children with exudative diathesis. You just need to keep in mind that tomatoes, like tomato juice, can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

    In potato, which has all the positive qualities inherent in vegetables, there is a lot of starch, which negatively affects the metabolism in children with exudative diathesis. Therefore, young potatoes, in which a little more starch, can be used without restrictions. One mature potato the size of a child's fist is transferred to them without much harm.

    The products of wheat flour of higher grades, semolina and rice cereals should be replaced with products made of wheat and rye flour. In such flour there is an admixture of bran, rich in plant enzymes, vitamins, mineral salts. Bran improves the absorption of starch and acts anti-allergic.

    Beer and baker's yeast helps to assimilate starch. They contain vitamin B6, which is part of the compounds that destroy biologically active substances that are released during allergic reactions.

    Apples, pears, gooseberries and plums normalize metabolism, expel water retained in the body, help fight infection, improve digestion. Juice of cherry and black currant is detrimental to some viruses. Vegetable pigments( flavins) of these berries improve breathing, increase the tone of the body. In addition, they have a lot of vitamins C and P, which contribute to the tightening of the vascular wall, increase the immunity of the organism to infections, improve metabolic processes. Contraindicated strawberries, strawberries, oranges, tangerines, grapes and bananas, as well as juices, jams and preserves from them.

    Honey for children with exudative diathesis should be given if they tolerate it well.

    In recent years, it is noted that an excess of sugar in the body can cause an exacerbation of the allergic condition, and therefore recommendations have emerged about the advisability of substituting half the daily amount of sugar with xylitol or sorbitol for children with exudative diathesis.

    During this period, it is very important to keep a "food" diary, which notes what the child ate and what his reaction to new foods.

    Prevention of rickets should be carried out as carefully as in the first year of life. In the autumn-winter period it is necessary to conduct courses of ultraviolet irradiation, combining them with gymnastics.

    The frequency of visiting a children's polyclinic with children suffering from exudative diathesis during this period depends on the clinical picture of the disease, its exacerbations and living conditions. In the most favorable cases, these children should be shown to the children's doctor at least once a quarter.

    Children of this age often appear on the tongue, lips and inner surface of the cheeks foci of lesions of the mucous membrane in the form of small round forms of sores, the bottom of which is covered with a yellowish-gray coating. They are located on the background of reddened and swollen mucous membrane. This disease, called aphthous stomatitis, develops due to infection of the oral cavity. With him, the general condition of the child always suffers, sometimes the body temperature rises, the appetite is broken, the child can not eat.

    The disease is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. Therefore, the diseased must be isolated from other children, provide him with a separate dish, towel, toys. In the first days, while the state of the child is significantly impaired, it is better to put him to bed. You can feed liquid unheated food 3-4 times a day, so as not to irritate the often damaged mucous membrane. With abundant rashes, you can lubricate the lips, tongue and gums before the meal with an anesthetic that the doctor prescribes. For feeding use dairy products, well-rubbed boiled vegetables, boiled porridges, vermicelli, omelet, soft-boiled eggs. Meat and fish are given in the form of boiled minced meat minced twice through a meat grinder. You can not give salted and sour dishes and foods, limited to sweets, as they exacerbate painful sensations. As a drink, except water, you can use a decoction of wild rose, non-irritating fruit and berry juices.

    For stomatitis it is recommended to rinse the child's mouth repeatedly with disinfectant solutions: hydrogen peroxide( 2 tablespoons 3% solution for 0.5 cups of pod), potassium permanganate( light pink solution), chicken egg whitened with boiled water, containing lysozyme -It has a bactericidal action( one protein per 0.5 cup of water).Babies who do not yet know how to rinse their mouths can be irrigated from a rubber can, which was not previously used and well washed. The head of the child is tipped while performing this procedure over the basin.

    If the child has signs of damage to the oral mucosa, you should immediately consult your local doctor and not forget to report the disease to the preschool institution that the baby is visiting.

    In the second year of life, vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and against poliomyelitis is repeated( revaccination).Revaccination is carried out 1,5-2 years after the completed triple vaccination. Dragee polio vaccine is given to the child in the second year twice with an interval of one and a half months. If the baby has allergy symptoms, this should be reported to the district child's doctor, since such children should be specially prepared for preventive vaccinations.

    From the second and especially from the third year of life of the son or daughter, the role of the father as a direct educator grows. He must engage in learning their various life skills, to be an example for imitation.