  • Purification of kerosene

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    There are available cleansing methods for kerosene at home.

    In a glass three-liter jar, pour 1 liter of kerosene and the same amount of hot water, the

    perature of which should be 60-70 ° C.The contents of the jar should be shaken thoroughly for 2-3 minutes, before covering it with a plastic lid. To avoid burns, wear gloves. During the shaking process, it is necessary to open the lid from time to time, in order to avoid overpressure and as a result of the explosion of fumes.

    The liquid should stand for a few minutes( with the lid open).When it stratifies( where the layers are separated, dirt accumulates), it is necessary to carefully drain the kerosene layer, which will be located above, so that flakes do not get into the drained liquid.

    All actions should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, because concentrated kerosene vapor can cause not only poisoning and kerosene pneumonia, but also an explosion.

    All other cleaning methods are dangerous. Among them, a method for the implementation of which it is necessary to have a hood, an electric stove and an experience of working with chemical reagents. It is necessary to warn that it is better not to use this method if there are no necessary conditions and a special chemical education, since it is very dangerous.

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    Ordinary kerosene becomes suitable for oral administration in accordance with dosages after it has been subjected to the following procedure. It should be poured into a glass half-liter bottle, add 3 tablespoons of the certified salt of the brand "Extra" and strain the liquid through a filter of cotton wool and bandage in another bottle, filling it whole.

    Then the bottle with kerosene should be placed in a pan with cold water, on the bottom of which there is an

    stand. After this, it is necessary to bring the water to a boil in a saucepan and boil for 1.5 hours. It is allowed to use only an electric plate. Using an open burner flame of a gas cooker can result in kerosene explosion.

    Neither the bottle on the water bath nor the pan can be covered with a lid in any case. At the same time, vapors of kerosene are very intensively extracted, which must be removed to the hood.

    As a result of this treatment, purified kerosene is obtained. After cooling, you need to merge it into another container, while the salt should remain at the bottom of the bottle.

    Please note that for domestic use only purified kerosene is recommended, and for outdoor use it is permissible to use normal kerosene.

    READY PREPARATIONS based on nut-kerosene extract

    Preparation Todikamp, ​​manufactured in Russia on the basis of nut-kerosene extract, is recommended to be applied according to the instructions attached to the factory packaging.

    This drug is the result of ten years of work of the Moscow Institute of Biomedical Problems. It is proved that Todikamp increases the body's resistance to the effects that cause the tumor process, i.e. nut-kerosene extract stabilizes the tissue systems, heals gastritis, prostatitis, ischemic heart disease. It does not cause allergies, has no toxic effect and even improves the hereditary qualities of the body. It should be noted that in Todi

    the camp is not used ordinary kerosene, but special, obtained by five-fold distillation.

    Admission Todicampa requires certain restrictions in the way of life. For example, it is incompatible with alcohol, with exposure to the sun, intense work, it can not be combined with psychotropic drugs. During the course of treatment Todikampom there is drowsiness, so you should limit travel by car.

    On the healing properties of the walnut doctors knew in ancient times. Walnuts contain a lot of iodine, astringents and tannins. They have good anthelmintic and antimicrobial properties, contribute to the purification of blood. Then it was noticed that kerosene strengthens the therapeutic action of the nut. Until now, in the southern regions of our country, a tincture of a walnut on kerosene is a drug from many diseases.

    To prepare the remedy, take the green walnuts( they should reach the so-called milk ripeness).Raw materials are cut into slices( each nut is enough to cut into four parts) and pass through a meat grinder. The ground nuts should be so large that they fill a 1/3 liter glass jar. Then the jar is poured over the nuts with purified kerosene( it is desirable to pre-clean not the usual, but the so-called aviation( distilled) kerosene).Then the can is tightly closed with a polyethylene lid and insisted in a dark cool place for 21 days. After infusion, the liquid is filtered through four layers of gauze, and the remainders of the plant raw materials are carefully squeezed. The finished product - ore-hovo-kerosene extract - is poured into a container of dark glass and stored in a dark cool place.

    You do not need to discard the remains of plant raw materials: they are put in a glass jar and stored in a dark cool place. These squeezes are simply irreplaceable as an external remedy: they are used in all cases when it is necessary to reduce edema and relieve pain( a variety of traumatic injuries, arthritis, ruptures, etc.).

    In addition to Todikamp in pharmacies, you can buy Phytodics and Todiklark. The phytodic basically has the same nut-kerosene tincture, but with the addition of wormwood, poplar buds, birch, garlic, eucalyptus, etc. From Phytodica it is good to make ointments with the help of clay, starch, talc.

    Todiclarc is also a nut-kerosene tincture, but it does not use a green walnut, but a black one uses an American one. Practice has shown that Todiklark is stronger than Todikamp.

    Not always in the pharmacies there are these drugs, so it will be useful to give the following recipe, especially since the resulting mixture acts similarly to Todikampu. It is necessary to mix in equal amounts purified kerosene and vitamin supplement Vitalain Black nut, which is a herbal preparation of antiparasitic action. This is an alcohol extract of the peel of a black nut. Due to the content of organic acids, essential oils, bitter glycosides, it has antiseptic and anthelmintic effect. The intake of a mixture of kerosene and black walnut extract gives good results in the treatment of acute and chronic protozoal invasions, candidiasis, when carrying out complex programs of body cleansing. Take 10-20-30 drops 2-3 times a day( with water or juice) before eating and before going to bed. The dose is selected individually, you need to start with 10 drops of

    .The best result is achieved with a gradual increase in the dose of the drug for two weeks, with a break of one week before the second course. After it, the application of the Paragon preparation containing cloves and wormwood is shown.

    Warning! Medicines, which include kerosene, official medicine is not recommended for children.