  • Parents are also people

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    When was the last time you had dinner somewhere without children? And spent the evening with friends, never even touching the children's topic in the conversation? When was the last time you got drunk? And can you remember when the last time for at least half a day immersed in a favorite from a long time ago occupation - for example, repairing engines or digging up beds?

    I really hope that this was not so long ago that you can not remember anymore. After all, you should show weakness, and in your life there will be nothing but the upbringing of children. We, the right parents, should be able to catch the moment when it is just necessary to temporarily disconnect from the standard scheme. Yes, I am aware that in fact it is not a real complete cut-off, but just a kind of "waiting mode", but he, believe me, allows me to be distracted and entertained.

    Please listen to my words: this rule is very important for you and for your children. I note especially one aspect of the problem: limiting your life to children only, you thereby render them a disservice. The fact is that children somehow unerringly feel what is happening around them, and that your personal understanding of success in life is now connected solely with what they can achieve. Is not too much awkward awareness for the child's psyche?

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    The first time after the birth of a baby, this rule will seem to you, in principle, impossible. In fact, so it is, so the first three months I would have made it beyond its scope;However, you should not put things off for a long time. After all, if children do not have an example of a harmoniously built life plan before their eyes from an early childhood, then, having grown up, they will not know how to build their own. And anyway, if you dig in the house and reduce all your activity to feeding and motion sickness, then after a couple of years, after finally getting out into the light of the world, you will find that you have no friends left. And what will you do then?

    I repeatedly mark, observing those parents who cause my admiration and respect, that they necessarily have some activities and interests outside the sphere of education and provision of children's needs. The range of such activities is very wide: it is your favorite work, and the traditions of romantic relaxation together, and a variety of sporting events( tennis, rowing, football - anything), and much, much more. All these activities are united by a common function: this is something that does not allow you to go crazy when you become parents.

    And do not tell me how all this is not easy, and what an incredible price for you now has time! I myself know that with the advent of children you will somehow have to limit the duration and frequency of going to the club or taking drugs *.But to keep intact even a part of old hobbies and habits is necessary. Otherwise, after 18 or slightly more years, when the children grow up and fly away from under your wing, you will be left alone with the problem: what do you do with yourself now?