  • The basic medical-and-prophylactic recipes

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    With stones in the bladder, it is recommended to lubricate the skin over the navel once every 2 days and the loin area with a kerosene-clay mixture: 100 g of kerosene + 2 tbsp.spoons of crushed clay.

    For headache, apply kerosene-clay-lotions on the forehead and the back of the head. As an additional tool use a mixture: 2 tbsp.spoons of clay consistency ointments and 1 teaspoon 3% vinegar. With this mixture rub the soles of your feet, wrap it with polyethylene, put on warm socks. Hold for 1 hour.

    For chronic pancreatitis, apply kerosene-clay lotions corresponding to body temperature, 2 cm thick on the epigastric region for 1 hour 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Simultaneously, to drink clay water as an adsorbent( you can suspend), you can drink kerosene-clay water for the last 3 days of the course. Take a week break and repeat the course.

    In case of heartburn, gastric ulcer, intestinal colic, it is recommended to drink kerosene-clay water 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before eating, 1 teaspoonful. It is useful to put lotions on the stomach.

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    For nephritis, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, apply kerosene-nasal compresses 2 times a day for 1-1.5 hours to the kidney area.

    With heart diseases( outside the exacerbation), one can make a compress on kerosene-clay water, which is superimposed on the heart area. It should be alternated with lotions for 1 hour 3 times a day. Also, it is possible to make light grinding of the heart region with kerosene-clay water.

    For respiratory diseases, rub twice a day with a liquid consistency of kerosene clay mixed with grated garlic. For 1 cup kerosene-clay mixture take 2-3 cloves of garlic. Also, twice a day to do warm chest kerosene clay on the chest. Cough can be reassured by sucking a piece of clay and applying clay lotions on the throat and chest.

    In order to reduce pain in the lower back and joints, apply a patch of clay diluted in hot water with the addition of kerosene to the sore spots. Give preference to stove( red) clay. This recipe is recommended by the famous healer GP Malakhov. To prepare the mixture, you need to take a bucket of red clay, check that there are no foreign inclusions, add a little water, heat and stir well, to get a homogeneous viscous mass. Clay should not be too hot. Add 1 cup of warm kerosene to the clay and mix again thoroughly. From this clay make a cake so large that it covers the diseased area. Put the cake on the body, cover it with something warm and keep it until the clay cools down. So repeat a few times.