  • The causes of slagging of the body

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    The harmful impact of nature on human health results in the accumulation of slags and the emergence of the so-called self-poisoning syndrome - the soil for the development of various diseases. Getting by with food, water and air into our body, harmful substances are partially neutralized and withdrawn from it, but most of them remain, poisoning and slagging us.

    As the years go by, slag becomes more and more, and the process of accumulation accelerates, especially if we have addictions. And here comes the moment when the amount of slag in the body becomes so great that the most slagged organ is malfunctioning. This is the beginning of the disease.

    Properly and regularly carried out cleaning activities will help to cope with internal auto-toxicity.

    Taking into account that cases of food poisoning, up to mass children's poisoning, have recently become more frequent, it will be useful to consider this violation of the state of health in more detail.

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    Food poisoning - diseases caused by bacteria, parasites and chemicals that enter the body with food. Depending on the cause of poisoning, the symptoms may be different, but the most typical are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea( diarrhea), fever, shortness of breath. The cause of poisoning can be almost any product: meat, fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

    When food poisoning requires medical advice and urgent cleansing of the body of bacteria, microbes, colibacillus( colibac- eria), etc. The most dangerous poisoning is botulism.

    In case of untimely medical care, poisoning can lead to death.

    Carrying out a program to detoxify the body is also recommended after a long intake of alcohol to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, liver disease, nutritional deficiencies.

    Describe all cases when carrying out detoxification of an organism significantly increased the quality of life is impossible. Even the symptoms of insomnia, that is, the insufficient duration of night sleep, the difficulty of falling asleep, etc., gradually disappeared. Regular high-grade sleep is extremely important for maintaining strong immunity and good health.


    The complex detoxification system of the body includes the reception of nut-kerosene extract daily, twice a week visiting the Russian bath and conducting a special course of body cleansing, which can be any of the following systems: unloading-dietary therapy, juicing,methods of G. Malakhov or N. Semenova, and even the holding of the next Orthodox fast.

    As a means of cleansing the human body at all levels, as well as with cancer, it is recommended to take 8-10 ka

    pellet of walnut-kerosene extract for 2 tbsp.spoons of honey 1 times a day before meals for a long time.

    In this case, it is desirable to dissolve honey in the mouth until completely dissolved: this greatly enhances the effect of the drug.

    For the rejuvenation of the body, recovery of the nervous, excretory and circulatory system the following remedy is recommended. To 0.5 l of fresh apple cider vinegar add 3 tbsp.spoons of purified kerosene. Take 1 tsp for 1 cup of boiled water 1-2 times a day. Immediately before use, the container with the mixture should be shaken thoroughly. The preventive course lasts 6-8 weeks. This remedy can be taken for a longer time.