  • Mom plays with the child

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    The worried daddy of the 11-month-old girl turned for advice:

    - We buy a lot of different toys for our daughter, but she does not play with them at all. Her favorite activities are knocking one toy on another, throwing them out of the arena, putting them in their mouths. And she also likes to step on the rubber dogs and cats with her foot, so that they "squeak."I show her how to play with toys, she looks carefully, seems to understand everything, but she can not occupy herself with the game. But it's already big, it's a year!

    We calmed the young dad, explaining to him: this is a normal behavior of the baby, a typical game of a child of this age. She still can not independently play the story game, use the story toys for their intended purpose. For it there is still no difference between a toy hare and a car, that is, there is a difference: when you throw a soft rabbit on the floor, from it one sound, and from a fallen plastic machine, another, and to the touch they are completely different.

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    For the independent activity of the child of the end of the first - the beginning of the second year of life, familiarization, research activities with objects are characteristic( the specific purpose of the story toy for him is still a mystery).He shows the same interest in both the doll and the saucepan in which he cooks porridge( to a pan obtained for temporary use, the interest can be much more stable- the lid can be opened and closed, the ringlets can be opened and poured from the pyramid,. P.).

    Of course, this, from the point of view of an adult, is also a game, but a peculiar game is like a child's free exercise in movements and sensations. Such a game with the age of the child( with the correct organization of its activities by the adult) will become more complicated - the child will learn how to remove the rings from the pyramid's stem first, then overcome the actions of putting them on( as horrible and then in a certain order), learn to open and close the wooden barrel,from cubes, make a fence from them, etc. An exercise game with objects will accompany it throughout the entire preschool childhood, promote the dexterity of movements, ingenuity, and invention.

    And what about the story game? When does it appear in a child's life? Very early - already in the first half of his life. But the story game is not yet played by the child himself. First, plays mom( or another, caring for a child adult: grandmother, nanny).How does she play? Let's remember all known "ladushki", "forty-crow", "goat horned" and other nursery rhymes. Here there are all elements of the plot game - and events( "granddad" was at the grandmother, ate kashka, etc.), and characters( "ladushki", grandmother), and conditional actions( palm instead of a bowl with porridge, fingers instead of a spoon, which stir the porridge).Everything is as it should be in the story game.

    These simple rhymed scenes pass from generation to generation: and they played with us so, and we play this way with our children and grandchildren.

    Why did the tradition create and preserve such a game? To expand, enrich, make emotionally saturated the communication of an adult with an infant( and here we have a vivid example of the wisdom of popular pedagogy).

    But that's not including the child in the story game. Such a unique game of the mother so far only helps her to cause positive emotional reactions of the child, to activate it, to organize a kind of "conversation" with the baby.

    The game of mother in "ladushki", "goat", etc. attracts and supports the attention of the child not only with rhymed text, but also with intonations, the actions that the mother accompanies with this text. Gradually, an adult begins to include in his game and a child( raises his hands at the words: "Shu. .. flew!" Or drives his fingers in the palm of his hand, saying: "Forty-crow crowed porridge. ..").The child, to the great joy of the parents, begins to react to this game not only with a smile, but with the appropriate ones, connected with it for the usual speech movements.

    Mom's interaction with the child, from the second half of life, is gradually acquiring a "business" character. During contacts with an adult, the baby begins to learn the simplest practical actions, their connection with certain objects( spoon - eat, drink from a cup, comb - comb out), tries to perform these actions together with an adult.

    For example, a child is given a spoon when feeding and stimulates it: "And now Dima will be a spoon to eat porridge."His mother feeds, and the baby only "helps" her. But gradually his movements become more perfect, and their connection with a certain object is fixed.

    As studies of psychologists show, the indicator of mastering the simplest functions of objects is the child's pictorial actions, which he has yet attributed to himself. For example, if a toddler falls into the hands of a spoon, he begins to "feed" himself, although nothing is in the spoon and this effect does not bring any real result. Such pictorial acts are only "idle" schemes reproducing a specific action with an object.

    The assimilation of specific actions with objects and the appearance of visual actions is a necessary foundation, in which already in 1 year 4 months - 1 year 6 months you can begin to organize the simplest actions of the child with plot toys.

    How to do this? To play it is necessary again to the adult, but it any more that game-dialogue about which we spoke earlier.

    It is necessary to begin with the "animation", "animation" of the doll. Maybe the doll appeared earlier among toys, but when the child turns a year with a little, it becomes necessary for the organization of the game. The size of it should be 50-60 cm, with a stucco wig, brightly marked eyes and a mouth, moving arms and legs so that it can be put and planted( preferably if it is made of easily washable material).

    The first acquaintance with the doll mom specially organizes:

    - That's what I brought to Anechka! The doll Lyalya. Look how beautiful! What are her eyes, mouth! Where does Anya have eyes? Here they are. And where did Lyalya have eyes? And where are the pens? Lala went, top-top. On you Lyalya, hold it. I'll stroke her, a nice doll. And you pat it. Let's plant it. Let him sit here.

    The doll is left for 2-3 days at the child's disposal, paying attention to it from time to time and offering the child to show where she has eyes, pens, etc., relating it to the child.

    Soon after the doll, the toy "economy" of the child should be supplemented with another story toy( similar to the real thing).It is desirable that it was a "baby carriage" or a wooden car, a cart, into which you can put the doll and roll.

    Now my mother plays like this:

    - Here is our Lyalya sitting. Get up, Lyalya! Anechka will see how you walk. Top-top, our Lyalya went to Anechka. Now she came to me again. Are you, Lyalya?

    Do you want to sleep? Crying? Do not cry, now I'm shaking you. We will wrap it in a blanket. Bayu-bye! Bayu-bai, our Lyalya, fall asleep! Anya, now you shake it! Like this!

    Anya holds the doll, pressing it to her, and repeats after her mother:

    - Bye-bye!

    Mom continues the game:

    - Well, Lyalya has fallen asleep, we will now put her. Quiet. .. Do not wake Lyalya.

    Anya, trying not to make noise, carries the doll to her own bed.

    - Where do we put it? Asks my mother.

    - Here!- Anne answers and puts the doll in bed.

    - Come here, look what I'll show you, -said the girl mom. - Look, what a stroller! This is for Lali. We will put it here and we will roll. That's how she skates! Lyalya woke up. Crying again. Let's continue to ride it. Do not cry, Lyalya, Anya will roll you. Anechka, here's her blanket, cover it, otherwise it'll be cold.

    It is important that in such games the child catch, feel the attitude of the adult to the doll, find in the mother's actions a similarity with the real situation, where the "center" is himself. To do this, the adult, playing, must always match the doll and the child himself: "Let's Layla in the crib, how Anya puts her mother to bed," etc.

    Usually 2-3 adult games are enough for the kid to start playing with the doll himself,repeating the actions of my mother. How can you diversify such a game, lengthen the "islands" of the child's independent activity? You can add a bear, a hare( or some other toy characters) to the doll and stimulate the child to include them in the already known game: "And the bear wants to ride in the stroller( car)," "And the bunny wants to sleep," "Beargoes to Ana, once or twice, once or twice, bang - fell. Raise him, he cries. "

    Anya raises a bear and already on her own initiative "pities" him, strokes the head. And here are the first words addressed to the toy:

    - Do not cry, Anya regrets.

    Let parents not be confused by some liberties, which the child admits 1 year 4 months - 1 year

    6 months in its actions with toys: puts in a stroller at each other and a doll, a hare, and a bear and covers them all on top with a blanket or shakes a bear, keeping it upside down. In the plot game, he makes only the first steps, and these "mistakes" are the result of the fact that he is still reproducing the meaning of one, isolated action( no matter how, but all - rocking, rolling, etc.).

    To activate the children's game, developing it, it is possible with the help of new story toys, which the adult adds to the children already included in the independent actions.

    For example, a mother sits a doll( or bear) for a children's table, and before it puts a toy bowl, puts a spoon beside her. The kid in this situation first explores new toys: he takes them in hand, looks at, twists. But what is this? Instead of feeding the doll, he pulls the spoon into his mouth, licks it - there is no mess. Now he brings the spoon to the mouth of the doll. Once again - instead of the mouth gets on the cheek dolls, but the kid does not bother. Again a spoonful of "porridge" to yourself.

    Not all children in 1.5 years will independently "open" for themselves a new game action, send it to the doll. Part of them, as shown by observations, will be limited to acquaintance with a toy plate and a spoon. The further behavior of the mother should also depend on the child's reaction.

    If the child began to feed the doll, she should support, comment on his actions: "Do you feed Lala? Well done. What does she eat? Kasha? And you fed the bear? He also asks for porridge, "etc.

    If the child lingered on manipulating toys or seeing that he forgot about the doll and" eats "himself, the adult joins the game and feeds the doll. In this case, the actions must necessarily be accompanied by a story:

    - Here Lyalya sits. She probably wants to eat. Now I will feed her. First, I put on her aprons, so as not to get dirty. It's porridge in a plate. I'll put her off. The porridge is hot, wait, do not burn yourself. That's how Lyalya eats. I'll give you a spoon. .. Now, again.

    Playing, the adult seems to reproduce the whole situation( in which the child and he constantly participates), rather than showing the child a separate, isolated action with toys.

    After this, as a rule, the child already "grasps" a new game action. New not only in sense - to feed, and not to rock, not to carry in a carriage, as before, but also "technically" - to feed porridge which is not present. If earlier there was a doll, a blanket and a stroller, now there is no essential object in the game - the porridge itself, which in the actions of an adult( and then the child itself) is only implied. Such a game with an absent, only implied subject is another step towards understanding the child's convention of the situation in which he acts. To strengthen the conventionality, an adult can attribute some qualities to an absent subject, carry out additional actions directed at the missing object: "Porridge is hot, it is necessary to blow, or the bear will be burned", etc. By 1 year, 8 months, 1 year, 10 months, the childcan already alone for 5-10 minutes to act with the plot toys: feed the dolls with a spoon, drink them from a mug, roll in a car, wheelchair, rock and sleep. Playing, he already uses speech( he tells the dolls: "Eat!", "Drink!", "Sleep!"), Reveals an emotional attitude to the dolls( hugs, strokes, kisses).

    What's this? Already formed story game? Externally, it seems to be so, because the child does not act with real objects, but with their toy copies, performs an action that is not result-oriented( feed, not fed).But these are only external signs of the game. Subjectively, the child still does not quite clearly distinguish between present and conditional actions.