  • What Capillary Baths Can Do

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    The methods of capillary therapy are related to nonspecific methods of treatment. Unlike specific methods, based on the principle of "one special medicine or method - for one or a few diseases," non-specific methods are applied on the principle of "one medicine or method for a variety of diseases" and are based on the autopharmacology of our body, on activation of itnatural mechanisms of self-regulation, recovery and healing. The auto-pharmacology of the body is a process of mass formation and isolation in the internal environment of a large number of biologically active substances. These substances are carriers of energy, they freely ply in the blood and extracellular fluid, they are not wasted by the body in a normal, healthy state, but in the state of disease under the influence of capillary baths intensify their biological action and bring the body more benefits than all the pharmacological drugs combined.

    Local, that is, there are practically no local diseases in humans. Especially, this refers to purulent inflammatory diseases. This is true because with such diseases in the places of their focus( center), leukocytes accumulate with or without bacteria, forming a well-known purulent mass. When pus accumulates and at the same time can not be released from the inflammatory focus, the leukocytes, together with the ubiquitous bacterial flora, begin to decompose with the formation of protein toxins and release of gases as a result of fermentation in dead cells. Protein toxins are the excess products of the breakdown of protein molecules in our body. They, as well as microbial toxins, are a disease-causing factor for us. Intracellular toxic proteins suggested that they be called AS Zalmanov.

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    Doctor Zalmanov named his miracle baths and solutions for them turpentine, emphasizing the role played in them by turpentine gum. We have added for the Salman baths other names-synonyms-capillary and vigorous, to emphasize their mechanism of action, aimed at revitalizing and purifying the capillaries with the help of turpentine, a constituent of gum( resin of coniferous trees).

    Yellow hyperthermic capillary baths, applied on average several times, are cured, on the

    example, purulent otitis, sinusitis, erysipelas. This miraculous cure is due to the fact that the yellow baths increase the temperature of the blood and interstitial fluids, which speeds up the blood flow, causes the burning of toxic toxic substances and removes through the blood and lymph and finally through the renal filters, protein and microbial toxins. Intracellular toxic proteins( proteins) - a kind of common denominator for all inflammatory processes and microbial aggression. There is no doubt that all protein toxins, irrespective of their origin, are amenable to the curative effects of yellow hyperthermic baths. Confirmation of this concept are numerous cases of successful application of these baths for various infections, including staphylococcal, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, salpingitis, furuncles.

    With different types of leukemia, hypoplastic anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency, yellow capillary baths organize the removal of dead leukocytes from the body, and with them poisonous protein substances, help patients survive these serious diseases and enable them to lead a normal life. In cases of spastic paralysis caused by a neurological disease, yellow baths help our body restore the nerve cells and muscle fibers squeezed by the surrounding surrounding tissue. This occurs even in a state of chronic intoxication, which is caused by protein toxins that appear as a result of the breakdown of the nervous and muscle tissues.

    The syndrome of chronic fatigue( CFS) is caused by the accumulation in our body of so-called fatigue toxins that were not quickly isolated from or isolated from

    .AS Zalmanov said that all fatigue is a poisoning of the human body. The increased removal of fatigue poisons from it using yellow or mixed gum baths leads to the elimination of poisoning, which is subjectively accompanied by the disappearance of symptoms of CFS.The elimination of fatigue toxins occurs through the skin gates - the pores. The best way to treat chronic fatigue syndrome is not to use strong drugs that increase the intoxication of a tired organism, but use of yellow and mixed turpentine baths that remove toxins.

    Sometimes patients ask me about the use of turpentine baths during an inflammatory process in one or another organ. Some of them have a negative idea of ​​warm and hot hydroprocedures and are afraid that if there is inflammation, the baths can harm their health. Their doubts and fears are completely vain. Acute inflammation is accompanied by activation of the body's defenses. Inflammatory process is accompanied by hyperemia( reddening) of tissues caused by vasodilation and blood flow in the area of ​​inflammation. Hyperemia can be enhanced by heat. From the point of view of an incorrect surface stereotype, a warm water procedure should cause a complication of acute inflammation. In fact, heat causes a completely different result. It prevents or stops the venous stasis in the capillaries, restores blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation and removes pathogenic microorganisms, metabolites and dead cells from them into a large circle of blood circulation. In this blood circle there is a general purification from toxic metabolites, their final cleavage to

    micromolecules, followed by mixing and excretion into the external environment.

    Bier in his scientific work "Hyperemia as a remedy" wrote that if one knows the physiology and pathology of capillaries, as well as intracellular and extracellular fluids, it becomes clear why the use of heat in acute and chronic diseases in conjunction with funds that stimulate the functions of capillaries, bothworks well for acute rheumatic and acute purulent arthritis, tuberculosis and other pathologies.

    The drama of any disease is played out due to the accumulation in the body of harmful substances, toxic metabolites, which it is not able to either decompose into smaller components, neither burn nor oxidize. Capillary baths, gradually increasing the temperature of the internal environment, decompose toxic metabolites and convert their giant molecules into molecules with a lower molecular mass. Such reduced in size slags are much easier to remove from the body through the kidneys, lungs and sweat glands of the skin.

    We love to emphasize the therapeutic versatility of turpentine baths. The secret of this universality lies in the fact that our normal life, our health, bodily and mental, are impossible without the incessant, brain-controlled rhythmic combustion of toxic slags. Our turpentine baths, especially hyperthermic, that is, yellow, burn organic debris and dust that accumulate in the body over time, freeing up the internal ways of communication-capillaries and purifying blood, extracellular and intracellular fluids.

    We believe that it is naive and unsuccessful to restore vital harmony in the body with chemical means alone, and sometimes it is simply dangerous, since chemical agents often lead to an increase in the disharmony of the disturbed equilibrium in it.

    AS Zalmanov said that there is no disease of bones or joints with hypercalcification or hypocalcification, there is no ankylosis of joints with muscle atrophy, no chronic obstruction of vessels that would not succumb to turpentine baths. We, on the basis of our medical practice, can fully agree with the great master of medicine.