  • On the role of capillaries

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    Allopathic medicine treats the living human body as a sum of solid and dry organs. It does not take into account the volume and composition of its intercellular and intracellular fluids. Man as an individual is viewed as a collection of isolated organs, without regard for its objective connections and synergy with nature and the cosmos. However, this representation does not correspond at all with the physiological reality of our body and leads to the fact that allopathic doctors try to treat organs of the body that are not actually solid, isolated from each other.

    Homeopathic medicine absolutely ignores the presence of internal organs, not to mention the complete ignorance of liquids. Doctors-allopaths, like their colleagues, homeopaths, are trained in medical abstractions, and their knowledge is not based on real physiology and pathology."When they study and explore isolated organs, when they want to understand the pathogenesis of an individual organ, they are not engaged in biology, but in necro-logic," Zalmanov ironically remarked. The movement of intercellular water in our body, which is the source of blood, has a striking similarity with the sources of terrestrial rivers. The rivers of the planet originate from many large and small streams. Their water is always in motion. It rises and falls, comes out of the shores and returns to its place, is washing underwater irregularities and land shores. Water generates streams that multiply and merge into shallow channels feeding large rivers.

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    Arterial loops of capillary cramps squeeze the blood plasma through their walls. Venous loops absorb the interstitial space occupied by the extracellular fluid - this affects the droplets of extracellular fluid and changes its pressure. This is the real beginning of the circulation of organic liquids, and ultimately - life-giving blood.

    Blood streams - capillaries - are constantly changing. In some parts of the body they can multiply, in others, on the contrary, they undergo reverse development. When the capillaries are filled with blood, their endothelial cells have a flattened shape. When the movement of blood inside the capillaries is delayed, endothelial cells again form peculiar outgrowths resembling plant buds. At the same time, their normal physiological functions cease, their initial potencies wake up, and various types of mesenchymal tissue develop from the

    of these capillary cells. The diameter of capillary vessels can vary 2-3 times.

    During the highest tone, the capillaries taper so that they do not pass through their tunnels red and white blood cells, and through them only blood plasma percolates. In the period of strong relaxation of capillary tubules, a large amount of blood accumulates in their enlarged lumens. In cases of shock, this physiological phenomenon is important: due to stagnation in the network in excess of the dilated capillaries, a kind of reflex bloodletting occurs in the vasculature of the abdominal cavity.

    In any painful process, whether it is inflammation, fever, allergy, any kind of shock or trophic disorder, the motor( motor) function of the capillaries plays a big role. Changes in the size of the lumen of the capillaries also play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure: when all the capillary vessels are dilated, there is a strong drop in blood pressure in our body.

    Endothelial capillary cells form a physiological barrier between the blood and interstitial fluid - the endothelium, through which metabolism( metabolism) takes place between them. The diameter of the capillaries is different. There are narrow capillaries( 5-6 microns) and very wide( 20-30 microns).Some endothelial cells of the capillaries are poorly diffused and more capable of phagocytosis. These young capillary cells have the ability to delay and digest old red blood cells, pigment substances, cholesterol components.

    The endothelial barrier is a living filtration membrane. She is not passive. Its permeability is constantly changing. This membrane, like an adjuster at the border, skillfully regulates the movement of large and small particles of matter through itself. Particles of matter move in two directions: some "go" from the blood into the intercellular fluid, others, on the contrary, from the intercennium to the capillary blood. So literally, the greatest process of nature - the exchange of substances between cells, tissues and organs of a living organism.

    Normally, the endothelial membrane transmits only small molecular particles, for example, molecules of water, amino acids, urea, salts. It does not miss large molecules of proteins. In the pathological state, the permeability of the filter membrane rises, and then large protein molecules can penetrate through this barrier. The permeability of capillary membranes plays an important role in the processes of secretion and resorption of substances, as well as in the development of inflammation and edema.

    There is biological pressure on both sides of the capillary membrane, which forces the particles of substances to leak through it. Blood pressure inside the capillary causes the filtration of substances from it to the outside - into the intercellular environment. In the normal state, this pressure reaches 40 mm of water. Art.in arterial loops of capillaries and 22 mm of water. Art.- in the venous. Colloidal substances in the blood plasma create an oncotic pressure that tends to hold water inside the capillary. This pressure reaches 36 mm of water. Art. The blood pressure in the capillaries is very variable - this causes alternation of filtration and absorption of the liquid, as well as all metabolic processes that determine the life of our cells and tissues. In the process of filtration and absorption in capillaries through their membranes, an infinite flow of liquids back and forth occurs in a very limited space of living matter. In this case, intra- and extra-capillary fluids always tend to equilibrium.

    The total area of ​​the filter surface of our capillaries is amazing. Danish physiologist A. Krogh found that it is approximately 6,300 m2 in an adult. Such a huge area will have a ribbon with a width of 1 m and a length of more than 6 km. Imagine a band created by the Creator for metabolism and super compactly packed inside your body! This great band changes its size when the diameter of the capillary lumen changes. Capillary vessels are adapted to blood pressure and have some resistance to it. The resistance of capillaries decreases, that is, their fragility increases, for example, when there is a deficiency in the body of vitamin C or under the influence of a histamine drug. Reducing the fragility of capillaries and strengthen their walls capillary turpentine baths, vacuum( "bloodsucking") cans, vitamin C and some other substances and means.

    Painful states of capillaries AS Zalmanov called capillaropathy. He believed that the periodic stasis of blood in the capillaries or their spasms in our fingers underlies acrocyanosis, the symptom of the "dead fingers", the syndrome and Raynaud's disease, that stasis or periodic spasms in the tissues of the labyrinth of the inner ear cause dizziness in the syndrome and Ménière's disease. With capillaroscopy, one can clearly see how, in people with the so-called an-gineurosis, a real vascular storm occurs in precapillaries, capillaries and postcapillaries instead of a normal picture.

    Varicose veins( varicose veins) often originate in the venous capillary loops. Capillary stasis( stasis) is observed when

    is elevated to the arterial blood pressure and convulsive seizures. With eclampsia of pregnant women, stasis is observed in the capillaries of the skin, intestines and uterus. Significant changes in the capillaries of the skin occur in all cases of glaucoma. With various infectious diseases, vasomotor paresis( paralysis) captures not only arteries and arterioles, but also the entire capillary network. Specialists described paresis and stasis in capillary vessels with typhoid fever, influenza, scarlet fever, septicemia, diphtheria, in the treatment of drugs with gold salts. Under such conditions, all the observed capillaries are equally dilated, filled with a bluish-lilac blood mass, in them there are no traces of blood movement.

    Zalmanov, of course, was right when he asserted that there is no organic disease and no functional disorder, in which the state of our capillaries did not play a primary role. Our heart pushes out the blood that comes to it from the veins. The veins, in turn, receive blood from the venules, 2 and into the venules it comes from the venous capillary loops. Researchers from the Tübingen Medical School have shown that it is the systoles( contractions) of microscopic capillary vessels that are the source of blood circulation in our body, just as small streams supply large rivers to the entire planet.

    Imagine for a moment the systole and diastole( relaxation) of capillaries for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the power of their ongoing activity, the continuous exchange of water between capillaries and interstitial fluids, the constant change of

    volume of capillaries - and before you there will be an unfolded hemodynamics, an impressive stream of bodily life starting in the cutting capillaries, going further into the venous vessels equipped with valves, and reaching the right ventricle of the heart.

    AS Zalmanov emphasized in his works on in-depth medicine the very important role of capillaries during any illness. To remove the attack of the disease, he wrote, it is necessary first of all to open the excretory pathways - to clean the intestines, lungs, kidneys, liver, skin. It is necessary to immediately open the spastic and atonically closed capillaries, and then the movement of the blood plasma will increase, the plasma will free itself from the slags and will perceive antibodies, enzymes, diastases, oxygen, glucose and other nutrients from the body reserve. As a result, the body is cleaned and toxic substances are removed from it. If the treatment remains strictly medicated, the organism will be freed from some microbes, but other microbes will come in their place, toxic proteins will remain in the body and affect various areas of the body, dangerous acute illness phenomena may disappear, but will be replaced by chronic diseases, often atypical and difficultwhich can be diagnosed and further correct, from our point of view, treatment.

    Capillary stagnation should be taken into account by the doctor for almost all diseases that he knows. Without it, there is no arthritis, no arthritis, no arteritis, no neuritis, no muscle atrophy, no deformation of joints, bones, no coarsening of ligaments and tendons. Stagnation in the capillaries can be detected before and after strokes, with ischemic heart disease, with Raynaud's syndrome, in trauma, scleroderma, elephantiziasis and many other diseases and syndromes.

    AS Zalmanov said that classical neurology, despite its almost mathematical accuracy of diagnosis, remains powerless against diseases, because it neglects the capillary circulation of the tissues of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves and thereby deprives itself of many effective therapeutic agents, for example turpentine baths.

    Dedication to the turpentine baths

    If the illnesses are attached,

    What is not there to save you,

    And if piles of pills,

    And piles of ampoules here and there

    And hundreds of heard

    tips Do not help anymore,

    Then try to take

    For the revival of health

    Baths, that thirty-thirty-five,

    And then more, if necessary.

    Those turpentine baths,

    They are capillary,

    Invented, Zalmanov

    From different twigs.

    They will open important

    Capillary vessels,

    And the blood will be healing

    The tissues will quickly flow.

    And if the blood is alive

    Before the cells move fast,

    Then and then will improve

    Exchange of your substances,

    And all diseases are formidable,

    Chronic, acute,

    Do not heal,

    Will leave then from you.