  • Children and TV

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    Nature, creating living creatures, provided one very important condition - all the stresses must necessarily end with a large volume of physical movements( and stress is felt not only by people, but, probably, by all animals, at least vertebrates - for sure).And among animals, and until relatively recently( what is tens of thousands of years in the scale of the universe!) And among people, so everything happened. Getting food, fighting with enemies, protected from animals, love, joy. .. Everything was accompanied by vigorous movements, great physical exertion. And if, for some reason, any stress did not require such a load, then dances, games, sports competitions were arranged.

    Today we, and especially our children, who need much more traffic, are moving little. Stresses are getting bigger every year. Again, especially in children, because any child can be compared to a novice athlete - everything is new for him, requires mastering and adaptation. So there is a layering of two interconnected, but independently developing processes: an increase in the number of stresses and a sharp decrease in movement, physical activity. As a result, the number of neuroses, cases of depressive state increases.

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    And one of the most serious factors that ensure progress in one direction and in the other direction is television. First, the TV accustoms to low mobility, and secondly, it causes unnecessary long-term stress, after which, as a rule, the child immediately goes to bed. And from here - bad falling asleep, nightmarish dreams, unwillingness to get up in the morning.

    Is it possible to fight this? Even necessary. Another conversation that this struggle is difficult.

    First of all, it is necessary to limit the time of viewing a particular transmission. For children up to 5-6 years of age, pediatricians recommend no more than 30 minutes a week, for pupils in grades 1-2, 45-60 minutes. It is important not only to limit the viewing time( at the same time, low mobility and negative effects on the eyes are eliminated), but also to select special programs for children, especially younger ones, and also the time when these programs are shown.

    First a few words about when to show. As we see, not before going to bed, but for the child to have time for active motor activity. At least for half an hour. And if the transmission is too emotional( not necessarily terrible), this gap can be increased, which is compensated by the speed of falling asleep and the quality of sleep.

    Now let's talk about what to show. Professor G. Danailov makes quite reasonable claims to the repertoire of children's programs. Speaking of them here, I pursue one goal - to sharpen the attention of parents, to make them treat critically even to those programs that are broadcast on central television.

    The absolute majority of fairy tales is built on the conflict of good and evil. And the good always wins( Danailov sneers - this means that the storyteller is able to do the impossible).But we often do not delve into the mechanism of the victory of good and do not pay attention to the moral side of this victory. Unfortunately, often the tales turn out to be primarily stories about violence, that in the "adult" literature received the phrase "the end justifies the means".

    As an example, Danailov analyzes the story of the Grimm brothers about Hansel and Gretel. It has been translated into almost all European languages, plays, operas have been written in its plot, several ballets have been staged, and in fact it is a cruel story based on highly questionable values.

    We will not retell the story in detail, it's for sure many people remember. But here are the moments to stop. Yielding to the insistence of the second wife, the kind father agrees to take the children to the forest and leave them for devouring the wild beasts. Does such a turn of events contribute to the improvement of the climate not in a fabulous, but in a real family? Let at the first viewing( or listening) the child, carried away by developing events, will not pay to this attention. But in the second or third, will not the thought creep in - no one, even your own father, can be trusted?

    Next. Hansel, it turns out, had a habit of overhearing what adults are talking about. Frankly speaking, bad is a habit, and at home you told the child not once that you can not eavesdrop. But in the fairy tale it was thanks to this habit that the children did not get lost - an ingenious boy gathered white pebbles in his pocket.

    The plan of my stepmother and father failed. But the good father again commits treachery and takes the children to the forest. This time there are no pebbles, and the crumbs were glued together by birds. The third point is the juxtaposition of birds to humans. Not only those birds that have crumbled crumbs( in ignorance), but a large white beautiful bird is not a symbol of good, but a provocateur. She led the children to a lovely sugar house.

    The fourth moment - in a beautiful house there lives an evil old woman-ogre. Of course, in life, evil can wear any mask, but in fairy tales such a discrepancy( a beautiful bird - an enemy, a lovely house - a shelter of the ogre) causes strong emotional stress in children, which is remembered for a long time.

    But that's not all. To free themselves, the children had to, first, deceive the old gourmet woman who did not want to eat a skinny boy and put him on fattening, and he put a stick in place of his finger( they say, he has not recovered yet!), And secondly, commitThe most terrible crime is not just to kill, but to roast a cannibal. And on this place Danailov says with sarcasm: "It remains unclear whether Hansel and Gretel ate the roasted old lady, which would correspond to the style of the fairy tale, but the Grimm brothers keep silent about it."

    Finally, the penultimate episode: leaving the sugar house, the children steal it - they take with them the old diamonds. In fact, you have often told your son and daughter that you can not take someone else's, even if you found something on the street, do not appropriate it, because someone has lost, someone is experiencing, looking for. But, it turns out, you can, if the owner of the jewelry is pre-fry.

    And the last moment. My stepmother died, my father gladly meets the children who returned, but happily they have healed only because they brought other people's wealth with them. And if they had not brought it?

    "This is a fairy tale," exclaims Danailov. "It contains a lot of teachings. If you do not want to be fried - fry yourself! If you want to get rich, send your children to be eaten by wolves. Do not believe in sugar houses, evil witches live in them! "

    Undoubtedly, not all fairy tales are so cruel. And, for example, the works of HK Andersen, O. Wilde, L. Lindgren and a number of others teach humanity, compassion, empathy, love not only for parents, neighbors, but also for nature. .. In short, to be shown on television,for reading a child you can always choose a fairy tale that would not contradict the moral principles that you put into your own child. But you have to think about this. ..