  • The nervous system of the child must be protected

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    Parents often underestimate their role in the development of the character of the child. In those families where the parents express displeasure at each occasion, reprimand children for a minor offense, prohibit much, children also get used to being unhappy, become secretive, sullen, timid.

    An affectionate treatment will generate kindness, the requirement of observance of order - discipline, systematic gymnastic exercises - endurance and will, affordable domestic work - awareness of the need for daily work, bringing any game or occupation to the end - perseverance and perseverance, care for younger family members, pets, plants, help to adults - the sensitivity and warmth of human relations, the ability in any team to feel themselves and to have people with them.

    Since childhood, the ability to empathy and empathy has been formed. Psychologists have found that it manifests itself earlier and stronger in children from large families than in a single child.

    With the growth of the material and cultural level of life, radio, television, various instruments and machines have firmly entered the everyday life of people. The family, as a rule, has little children( one, two children).In addition, the age difference between children is usually quite significant. The child involuntarily turns out to be surrounded only by adults. At home, he has no one to play with, but more than enough.

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    The baby's nervous system suffers from an abundance of words, melodies and noise. A significant role in mental overload play children's books. Practically it looks like this. We now have many wonderful books for children. Dads, moms, grandmothers and acquaintances willingly buy them for children, but often "for growth".The book requires reading, and adult family members offer their child help. They are comfortable: do not remember the tales or invent new ones. Fulfilling the request of the child to read, adults often forget the important educational moment that the content of the book, its meaning should strictly correspond to the age and development of the child, and read any children's book. Meanwhile, it is much more dangerous to get ahead in upbringing than to dress a baby not for growth. The same applies to the memorization of poetry. Memory in children is tenacious. They easily remember even long poems. Sometimes you wonder: a two-year-old child reads clearly "adult" verses. And it does not bother anyone, but on the contrary, even likes individual parents - that's supposedly what a talented one we have! Parental egoism harms the baby. Memory is the wealth of a person, and it is necessary to spend this treasure rationally, without spending it prematurely, it is meaningless. One more thing. We read a lot of children, but do not teach them to tell what they read. In such cases, the development of speech and the ability to express one's desire are delayed.

    Therefore, children need to read less, and more to tell. Do not memorize poetry at an early age. It is necessary to develop a child's speech, the ability to correctly express an idea, to fight against a primitive, clogged speech. The development of the child's thinking is determined by the information that he receives during wakefulness. Radio and television have a huge impact.

    Television is also a club of travelers, and the program "In the world of animals", and cartoons. TV often brings much more interesting than busy parents. However, it is important to establish a line, after which the child becomes saturated with information, when her abundance does not correspond to age opportunities and leads to overwork. In addition to mental overload, the abuse of television involuntarily deprives the child of the physical discharge necessary to him. He spent the evening at the TV - deprived himself of fresh air, especially necessary before going to bed.

    Children's nervousness is often promoted by parents themselves, wishing to protect them from danger. Such parents from morning till night are engaged in edification: "go only so", "just sit like this", "eat only so". .. All, in the opinion of such "diligent" educators, should be done according to one scheme. A child - even if small, but a man, he lives an indefatigable seeker. That's why we often hear from the baby: "I myself!" To kill this desire, to deprive the child of initiative, unquestioningly to subordinate him to his will is the most harmful and dangerous form of education for health and dignity.

    Other parents allow the child anything he wants. As a result, a selfish, capricious, incompetent and eventually also weak-willed person, usually still not satisfied with life, grows up.