  • Preparing for enrollment in a preschool institution

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    In the second year of life, most children are identified in a preschool.

    This event, characterized by changes in the environment and the way of life of the child, is a big load for the child's organism, becauseleads to a breakdown of the dynamic stereotype that has developed in accordance with LIFE and the family and contributes to the development of emotional stress. All these factors cause functional deviations in the activity of many organs and systems of the child's organism, reduce its protective forces and resistance in the period of adaptation to new living conditions in the pre-school institution.

    Adaptation( adaptation to new conditions) - the process is complex and time-consuming. At best, its duration is one and a half months. In the first days the child is very difficult in the manger. He is frightened by the new situation, a large number of children, unfamiliar adults, most importantly, the lack of protection in the form of a mother. Therefore it is not surprising that the baby cries, he wants to go home. His crying is not just a whim. This is a manifestation of mental stress caused by the breakdown of established habits. If the child does not cry, this does not mean that he immediately adjusted and does not experience difficulties. Om just restrains himself, but he passionately wants to leave from here to Mom and Dad.

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    To facilitate the course of the adaptation period, it is recommended to begin preparation for this responsible event in the life of children in advance. The regime of the baby's day( the time of feeding, sleeping, wakefulness) several months before admission to the organized collective should be gradually brought closer to that in the nurseries. The child must be weaned from such unacceptable habits in the pre-school establishment as using a pacifier, bottle feeding, motion sickness before bed. At this time, he should be given the opportunity to communicate more widely with children of the appropriate age and unfamiliar adults.

    Not later than one month before the registration of children in preschool institutions, they must complete all age-appropriate preventive vaccinations. If this requirement is not met, the period of adaptation to child nurseries will coincide with the time of development of post-vaccination immunity, which also passes with a huge strain of the forces of the child's body. It is not possible to identify a child in a preschool institution shortly after a previous illness. Let him get better at home. Otherwise, a large adaptive load will be beyond his power.

    It will be easier for a child to get used to the requirements of an organized collective if he pre-dominates some cultural and hygienic skills at home. Children, accustomed to participate in the process of dressing, undressing, washing, who can sit on a potty, use a spoon on their own, feel calmer, more confident in the nurseries. They do not experience such tension and fear as kids who do not have the basic skills of self-service. To stay in a pre-school institution, children of those parents who are encouraging their independence and do not suppress initiatives are quicker to get used to.

    Preparing a baby for admission to nurseries, it is extremely important to improve it in a timely manner. Therefore, it is necessary to apply to the local pediatrician, and to doctors of narrow specialties - surgeon, orthopedist), otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, to do all the researches they have appointed( blood tests, urine, feces for eggs of worms).Identified abnormalities in the activities of certain organs of the child's body must be completely cured before the child goes to an organized collective.

    The correct psychological preparation of children for the forthcoming changes in their living conditions is of great importance. It is necessary to persuade them consistently and persistently that it will be interesting, fun in the manger, no one will offend, and, of course, one should not frighten the kid with this event. Before the baby comes to the nursery group, parents should be there, get acquainted with the personnel of the group in which the child will be brought up, tell in detail about its features, habits, behavior in different life situations, attitudes towards new persons, objects, phenomena. We should try to ensure that the first weeks of the baby stay in a pre-school establishment coincide with the release of one of the parents. Then the child will be able to stay in the new collective first several hours, then half a day and, only when fully accustomed and accustomed, remains for a full day.

    Sometimes in the first days of being in a manger, children behave calmly, do not cry, do not rush home, take interest in everything new that they met. And later, when interest subsides, they too begin to cry, miss home and parents, negatively treat the whole way of life in an organized collective.

    In the period of adaptation to the preschool institution, a very large load falls on the central nervous system of the baby. In order not to increase it at home, one should always try to maintain a calm and benevolent situation, limit new impressions( not going anywhere, not introducing new faces, not buying new toys), not punishing for faults, shielding from any negative emotions, switching attention to familiar pleasantthings. To brighten up a stay in the new conditions, you can give your child with him in the crib favorite toys.

    Successful development and upbringing of the baby, strengthening of his health can be provided only by joint efforts of the family and preschool institution. In this regard, the contact of parents with the staff of the nursery school should be very close. Before the child entered the organized team, parents received advice and recommendations on the hygienic education of the child from the district pediatrician and the nurse. Now their role has passed to educators and medical personnel of preschool. They know everything about the health and development of the child. After all, nursery gardens are not only educational institutions, they also provide medical supervision of children, their sanitation. Data on the dynamics of physical and neuropsychic development of toddlers, data of medical examinations, pedagogical observations are communicated to parents at regularly held parental meetings, in individual conversations with educators and medical personnel, posted on the stands for parents.

    It is very important that the regime of the day, the diet of the child visiting the children's organized group, on weekends and holidays, and during the leave of parents do not differ sharply from those in the pre-school institution. Deviations from this requirement can lead to unpleasant complications.

    All pedagogical and medical recommendations and instructions given by parents of the pre-school institution to parents on the upbringing and rehabilitation of the child at home should be carefully treated and clearly implemented. Bring the child in the morning in the group and take it home is necessary at the hours set by the regime of the preschool institution. Given the wrong time in the group baby is more difficult to join the organized life of the children's team. Late parents in the evening, when all the children are already dismantled in their homes, the children suffer very painfully. The child must be dressed for the season and have a stock of clean removable underwear. The latter must be replenished regularly as it is used. Street shoes should match the season and weather conditions.

    Indoor and athletic footwear for physical education, corresponding to the size of his legs, is an integral part of the baby in the manger. We must not forget to give him a clean handkerchief every day.

    A child over the age of one year during waking periods is usually in motion. With each month the volume of movements increases. This has a positive effect on mental development, has a tonic effect on the central nervous system. Muscular work, spent during movements, reduces nervous tension. The lack of muscle activity slows mental development. It is known, for example, that children, who have been walking earlier, start talking earlier. However, excessive mobility, like any extreme, is also undesirable. It should not be restrained, but by switching the attention of the baby to something else, also entertaining, but not requiring such motor activity. Day periods of rest( the first and second day's sleep) should be given unremitting attention. As before, sleeping on air has advantages. In practice, this is not always possible to organize. The baby can not be left in the stroller on the balcony. First, he is cramped, secondly, waking up, he can easily get out of it. Sleep during the walk comes also less often than before, because too many impressions excite the child. Thus, it often happens that the baby walks during the waking period, and daytime dreams spend in bed. If the room before going to bed is well ventilated and during the sleep( in accordance with the weather) a window or window is open, then a dream in such conditions is useful for the child. It is especially necessary to take care of the silence in the house during the sleep of the baby. It is necessary to turn off the radio equipment, try not to talk loudly and do no noisy homework. The dream is full, when it is long enough, deep and calm. Superficial sleep does not provide the body necessary rest. In the daytime the children are not usually sleepy, those who are most in need of rest.

    The formation of a child's sanitary culture begins at an early age. Hygienic education is primarily to ensure the proper hygienic care for the baby's body.

    Hygienic activities during the day are held repeatedly. Increased contact with environmental objects requires great attention to the purity of the skin and clothing. It is necessary to accustom the child to constant washing of hands not only before meals, but also in proportion to their contamination. Morning water treatment( shower, dousing or wiping) helps to cleanse the skin, but can not replace the general hygienic bath. In the second year of life the child can be bathed every other day or even 2 times a week. However, every night's bathing( and now in most families it is not difficult) will only benefit the child. With skin rashes of eczematous type, frequent water procedures are not indicated( may cause exacerbation).Water procedures in the morning and evening do not exclude the pouring of the feet, as this is not only a hygienic, but also a hardening procedure.