
Bacterial shock in urological diseases - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Bacterial shock in urological diseases - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Bacterial shock( bacteremia, endotoxic, bacterial toxicity, septic, toxicoinfectious) is one of the most serious complications of urological pathology that develops due to the penetration of a large number of microorganisms and their toxins into the blood.

    Causes of bacterial shock

    Several factors are necessary for the development of bacterial shock in urological diseases. First, it is the presence of a foci of infection in the organs of the genitourinary system. Secondly, a decrease in the overall reactivity of the body and, thirdly, the lack of treatment.

    Infection into the organs of the genitourinary system can get in different ways. One of the most common is the urinary tract, when bacteria get directly through the urine. An example of such an entry may be the placement of a urethral catheter with a violation of aseptic rules, a trauma to the mucous membrane, or a violation of the outflow of urine due to the blockade of the urinary tract.

    The lymphogenous infection pathway is based on the transport of bacteria through the lymphatic vessels. In this way, infection from neighboring organs can spread. For example, with inflammation of the rectum or female genital organs, infectious diseases of the urinary tract can also occur.

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    The hematogenous pathway of infection is spreading it from chronic foci to the organs of the urogenital system through the blood vessels. The most frequent foci of chronic infection are chronic otitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis. The implementation of foci of infection occurs during a decrease in overall immunological reactivity, which is typical for the winter period, when there are avitaminosis and frequent hypothermia.

    Symptoms of bacterial shock in urological diseases

    After generalization of infection, acute general clinical symptoms. Patients complain of fever, general weakness, malaise and night sweats. These symptoms tend to overlay the local symptoms, which is typical for a disease that caused a bacterial shock.

    At the next stage of bacterial shock development, the reaction is provided by all organs and systems. In patients, there is a decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate and respiratory rate. This is accompanied by increased heat transfer and dehydration of the body. The body temperature rises until the body's defenses are exhausted, after which it falls sharply below the normal level.

    Violation of the coagulation system in bacterial shock is characterized by increased bleeding, nasal or intestinal bleeding.

    The final stage of development of bacterial shock can be considered hepatic and renal failure, which in a large percentage of cases have a lethal outcome.

    As already mentioned, the bacterial shock develops against a background of poor or inadequate treatment. Therefore, even with the slightest symptoms from the side of the kidneys or other organs of the genitourinary system, you should immediately seek help from a urologist so that he can prescribe an adequate treatment, thus preventing the development of a bacterial shock.

    Diagnosis of bacterial shock in urological diseases

    The laboratory diagnosis of blood and urine is the basis for the diagnosis of bacterial shock. Thus, in a general blood test for a similar disease, it is possible to detect an increased number of leukocytes with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left and an increased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. These markers are indicators of the inflammatory process.

    When carrying out a biochemical blood test, it is possible to determine the elevated levels of urea and creatinine, indicating a pathology of the kidneys. To clarify the specific cause, ultrasound examination of the kidneys and CT of the organs of the retroperitoneal space can be used. But even these modern methods do not always give an exact answer, which makes it necessary to resort to the use of such methods as excretory urography or radionuclide renography, which are aimed at elucidating the functional state of the kidneys.

    In the development of coagulation disorders, characterized by bleeding, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for clotting. As a rule, with this disease, there is a violation of bleeding time and blood coagulation time according to Lee-White.

    So, with bacterial shock, urine and blood are sown to the pathological flora. Based on these analyzes, the type of bacteria that led to the development of the disease is identified and appropriate antibiotic therapy is selected.

    Blood-dropping - the main research method

    Treatment of bacterial shock

    Treatment is performed in a hospital. The treatment of this disease is divided into general resuscitation measures, specific antibiotic therapy and treatment of the underlying disease.

    General resuscitation measures of are in the therapy of oxygen, the appointment of cardiac drugs and the carrying out of artificial ventilation if necessary.

    Antibiotic therapy is appointed based on the results of a bacteriological study of blood. If the results of bacteriosov are not yet available or can not be performed, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. These include a group of penicillins, cephalosporins and aminoglycosides. Such drugs as ampicillin, cefazolin, tsafetaksim and kanamycin.

    As a rule, the treatment of the underlying disease coincides with the treatment of bacterial shock, that is, it does not need to prescribe additional drugs for its treatment. Although a certain pathology, for example, with paranephritis, requires operational measures. They consist in the autopsy of the abscess and the evacuation of its contents.

    Features of nutrition and lifestyle

    In severe forms of septic shock, patients are often unconscious. This forces them to take measures on parenteral nutrition. In this situation, intravenously injected solutions of protein, lipids and carbohydrates.

    Patients with a conscious state are treated as patients with kidney disease, that is, they are assigned 7 diet table according to Pevzner, which excludes the use of salty, sharp, fried and peppery foods.

    As for lifestyle, patients should beware of hypothermia, which can lead to repeated kidney disease. It is worth noting that every disease of the genitourinary system, which develops after a bacterial shock, has a very severe course and gives a huge number of complications.

    Rehabilitation after illness

    Since all patients with bacterial shock with urological diseases are on the most powerful antibacterial treatment, after recovery they need to undergo a course of treatment with bifidobacteria for the prevention of dysbacteriosis. For this purpose, such drugs as hilak and lactobacterin, which colonize the intestines with benign bacteria, do not give the opportunity to develop malignant. These drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

    In the long-term period, in order to prevent secondary infection and re-illness, patients are recommended to rest at resorts with mineral waters, such as Saki or Morshin.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment with folk remedies for bacterial shock is unacceptable, because it is not only ineffective, but can also contribute to a more violent course of the disease. The fact is that in the treatment of folk remedies, a variety of tinctures and decoctions are used, which are a very good breeding ground for bacterial growth and reproduction. Therefore, when applying this kind of treatment, only the development and aggravation of the infectious process occurs, which then is twice as hard to treat antibacterial treatment.

    Complications of bacterial shock in urological diseases

    In acute development of bacterial shock, there may be a sharp fall in blood pressure, which threatens patients with a violation of consciousness and confluence in a coma.

    From the nervous system side, bacterial shock develops encephalopathy, which, due to poor therapeutic procedures, can progress and end with the same coma.

    Bacterial shock, which develops due to the ingress of a large number of bacteria into the blood, can be complicated by the formation of abscesses in different organs and parts of the body. The most commonly affected are those organs that have increased blood circulation. Among them, you can identify lungs, liver, brain and spleen. Abscesses of these organs are accompanied by a characteristic clinical symptomatology. Therefore, when an abscess occurs in an organ, it is necessary to examine the entire body, including the kidneys, because the cause of the abscess can hide in the pathology of this organ.

    Prevention of bacterial shock in urological diseases

    Prevention of the development of bacterial shock, first of all, should be aimed at preventing the development of bacterial kidney diseases. For this, at a minimum, it is necessary to sanitize foci of chronic infection in the body, which can act as chronic inflammations of the ears, teeth, oropharynx and paranasal sinuses. Treatment of these diseases is performed by the appropriate specialists.

    Also for the prevention of kidney diseases it is necessary to maintain the level of immunity. This can be done by constantly taking courses of vitamin therapy, dressing for the season and annually resting in the resorts. In addition, if a patient has a history of autoimmune kidney disease, such as glomerulonephritis, then he needs to donate blood to an immune status. This is possible only in special immunological laboratories, which are located in large medical centers.

    If the development of diseases of the genitourinary system has not been prevented, then at this stage the doctors' task is to prevent the generalization of the process. This can be achieved if adequate antibacterial treatment is prescribed in time. In addition, there are some infectious diseases of the kidneys, for the treatment of which surgical intervention is necessary, which should also be carried out as soon as possible.

    Another direction in the prevention of bacterial shock in urological diseases is the provision of normal medical care, which excludes infection of the body. This can be achieved using sterile disposable urethral catheters and working exclusively in aseptic conditions.

    Rev.doctor urologist Astashin Е.Е.