
Hypervitaminosis symptoms from different vitamin groups

  • Hypervitaminosis symptoms from different vitamin groups

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    Hypervitaminosis is a poisoning of the body with excessive consumption of vitamins. As a rule, the disease is acute and chronic. The acute form occurs with a single intake of large doses of vitamins, and chronic - with prolonged use in doses exceeding the norm.

    Normally, vitamins are the catalysts of all metabolic processes in the body, participate in growth processes( especially in children), and play an important role in the processes of self-reproduction.

    The reasons can be not only in overdose, but also in individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to them. In this case, for the appearance of an overdose, small enough doses of the vitamin are sufficient to show signs of hypervitaminosis.

    For each type of disease characteristic of its characteristics. If there is hypervitaminosis - the symptoms manifest immediately, which can not be left without attention of the patient. For each vitamin individually, there are different signs of an overdose.

    Most often, the symptoms of the disease occur with intoxication with fat-soluble vitamins, since they have the ability to accumulate in the body. These groups are A, E, D. All the others are water soluble, intoxication from large doses of which occurs less often, since these vitamins are quickly excreted in the urine. The heaviest species cause fat-soluble vitamins.

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    Signs of hypervitaminosis A

    Children are most at risk of getting the disease. In case of hypervitaminosis of group A, the symptoms are as follows:

    • Behavior change is lethargy, weakness, reluctance to move.
    • Development of hydrocephalus( accumulation of fluid in the head).
    • Symptoms of irritation of the nervous system - sleep disturbance, crying for no reason, irritability.
    • Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract - decreased appetite, upset of the stool, nausea, vomiting.
    • Symptoms of intoxication and dehydration - hair loss, inflammation of the mucous membranes, cracks in the lips, dry skin, subfebrile temperature.
    • Rashes on the skin that resemble a rash in scarlet fever.
    • Fingerness of nails.
    • Articular pain.
    • Increase in cholesterol in the blood.
    • Violation of the liver and kidneys.

    Adults, in addition to these symptoms, can experience sharp and severe headaches, decreased vision, bradycardia. If signs of an overdose of vitamin A are in pregnant women, then most likely, miscarriage or premature birth will occur. With chronic disease in pregnant women, deformities and malformations of the fetus are observed.

    In case of a chronic form of the disease the skin thickens, becomes rough and rough, the hair is severely split and falls out, the liver and spleen increase in size. At the same time, all chronic diseases that were present in adults can worsen.

    Signs of an overdose of group B vitamins

    There are more than 15 vitamin B vitamins, but it is noted that in case of hypervitaminosis of group B1, B3, B8, B15, B17, no strong intoxication is observed.

    Group B overdose has similar symptoms:

    • Redness of the skin. Dizziness and headaches. Disturbance of stool, abdominal pain, nausea.
    • Tingling sensation and hypersensitivity.
    • Sleep disturbance( insomnia).
    • Cramps in the calf muscles.

    But each vitamin from group B can cause the symptoms characteristic only for this hypervitaminosis:

    • Hypervitaminosis B2 - the work of the liver, heart, the cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, there may appear photophobia, conjunctivitis.
    • Hypervitaminosis B5 - calls for water retention in the body and prolonged diarrhea.
    • Hypervitaminosis of vitamin B6 - there is impaired coordination, as well as numbness of the limbs, the sick person can not keep small items in his hands.
    • Hypervitaminosis B9 - causes non-passing cramps in all muscles.
    • Hypervitaminosis B12 - allergic reactions, urticaria, cardiac dysfunction, thrombosis of small vessels, in some cases anaphylactic shock occurs( with high doses of vitamin).

    Hypervitaminosis group D

    Its overdose causes severe developmental abnormalities in children. And only products containing a large amount of vitamin, it is difficult to poison. Hypervitaminosis may occur with simultaneous prolonged insolation, intake of vitamin D and fish oil, as well as calcium preparations.

    In case of a disease, the symptoms resemble a picture of hypercalcemia:

    • Changing behavioral reactions - lethargy, lack of mobility, whims.
    • There is thirst and increased consumption of water.
    • Increases the separation of urine.
    • Appetite decreases, vomiting and nausea occur.
    • There is a growing deficit in weight.
    • There is bradycardia, cardiopathy and cardioneurosis.
    • The temperature rises.
    • Cramps appear.

    In adults, the symptoms are slightly different - chronic forms of arteriosclerosis, excess calcium deposited in the vessels, lungs, heart, kidneys, intestinal walls. There is a diagnosis called hypercalcinosis.

    The skin becomes a yellowish shade, there is a strong muscle weakness, pain in all joints, pain in the heart. Chronic overdose leads to the appearance of osteoporosis.

    Hypervitaminosis of group E

    In hypervitaminosis E, the following symptoms occur:

    • Headache and muscle pain.
    • Fatigue, weakness, fatigue.
    • An upset stomach and intestines.
    • Changes in the structure of bone tissue and an increase in fractures.
    • Doubling in the eyes.
    • With prolonged intake of vitamin E, deficiency of other vitamins( A, E, K) may occur.

    Hypervitaminosis of vitamin H

    This vitamin is also part of group B, but it is considered as a separate and called vitamin N. Hypervitaminosis of group H is rare, but at high doses causes a disruption in liver function.

    Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since the overdose of fat-soluble vitamins is particularly difficult. In this case, detoxification therapy should be carried out, as well as symptomatic therapy, which is aimed at eliminating those symptoms that caused the disease.

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