  • A toy shop

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game is designed for children from three to five years old. It raises the guys to a new step in the development of gaming partnership and cooperation. In addition, the nature of play actions changes, they become role-playing. Participants in the game can choose different roles - toys and buyers. The role of the seller is performed by the educator. Between all the participants, the game is closely connected, based on business cooperation. The possibility of such cooperation has already been prepared in previous games. But unlike them, where all performed the same actions, each child contributes to the implementation of the overall plan. Children act individually or unite in small groups( two or three people each), which, for example, depict the same toy.

    This game, like the others in this section, is mobile. The main means of performing the role are expressive movements. But now the child does not imitate an adult, but comes up with his own movements towards a particular role. He gets a lot of space for creativity and initiative, which is especially important for the development of the individual. The teacher helps the child to apply the existing experience to the new conditions.

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    Thus, the communication and interconnection of children in this game rises to a new level, because they include elements of creative cooperation and separation of functions. The game experience of children is enriched and the transition to the role-playing game is gradually prepared.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The educator offers children to play in a toy store: some will be toys that are sold in the store, others - by buyers."I'll be a salesman," he says.- Who wants to be a toy? Just think first about what kind of toy you want to portray. "Children-toys approach the teacher.

    «And who likes to buy toys? Who wants to be a buyer?- he continues."Buyers will take turns to come to the store and ask what toys are sold today."

    The child-buyers move to the opposite part of the room( or grounds) and wait for the opening of the store.

    Children-toys sit in a row on a stool, depicting goods, placed on a shelf in the store. The seller( educator) approaches every child and asks what kind of toy he will be. They agree on how to portray it. For example, if it's a bunny, you can jump, spin a spinning wheel, a doll can dance, a frog can croak and jump, etc. When everything is ready, the tutor announces: "The store is open!"

    Buyers come in turns, greet and ask to showtoys. The seller "takes from the shelf" some toy and "winds" her( takes the child out, moving his hand behind his back, as if turning the key).The toy comes to life. The buyer must guess what kind of toy it is. If he guesses, then he takes the toy with him( takes him to a free place).Then the next buyer comes and the game continues. When all the toys are sold out, the children change roles and it all starts over. If the toys turned out too much( more than the buyers), you can invite the children to play together the same or the three together the same toy.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Each participant of the game must himself come up with what kind of toy he will portray.

    2. The buyer needs to name the toy that is shown to him. Who does not guess, leaves without buying.

    Tips for the educator. Try to awaken the interest of the guys in inventing various attractive toys and ways of their image. Always support the children's initiative, encourage inventors. If someone: from the pupils can not think of anything new, you need to remind him: what toys were in the previous game( "Gifts").But still it is more interesting to play if all the toys are different.

    Not all children can express the toy with the help of movements. In such cases, advise the child to supplement the image with onomatopoeia.

    It is equally important to encourage the smartness and ingenuity of buyers who also need to have the imagination to properly name the toy. If the child finds it difficult to answer, you can use the help of other children( buyers).

    You do not have to wait until all the toys are sold, you can change the roles more often, involving the already played children.

    In the future, it is useful to make some complications in the game. One and the same toy can be depicted by two or three children. At the same time, the role of the buyer also changes: he must not only guess the toy, but also choose the best one, or when the toy moves-( car, bird, airplane, etc.), catch up with it.