  • The play of toys

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game-fun is, on the one hand, an entertaining spectacle for children, and on the other - a means of forming the emotional and moral foundations of their behavior. The central place in it is the active communication of children with toys, which in the hands of an adult turn into characters of the play. The content of the play can be popular folk tales, stories, poems or scenes from the children's everyday life. The game situation is organized in such a way that children become direct participants in the performance. They readily fulfill the requests and requests of the characters, help them, warn of the danger, worry about them. All this contributes to the formation of humane feelings.

    At the same time, participation in the play helps the child to understand and understand the contents of the fairy tale or story more deeply, to establish a connection between sensual and verbal impressions, which is extremely important for the child's mental development.

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    The game unites children with common feelings and brings them closer to the adult showing the puppet theater.

    Play stuff. The game will require imaginative story toys depicting people, animals and other fairy-tale characters, as well as the scenery of the play: toy trees, houses, cars, furniture, etc. Toys should be small( to be easier to manage) and necessarily proportionate to each otherwith friend.

    In addition, you need a regular children's table, covered up to the floor with a dense cloth, preferably warm, neutral tones. He will serve as a stage and at the same time hide all the objects prepared for the performance.

    The material pertaining to each scene should be placed in a separate box or on a separate tablet. This will make it easier to use it during the game.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. Puppet performances can be different in content and in the nature of the game actions. Here is an example of a fairy tale play.

    How Alenka grazed the gosling.

    The teacher, sitting at the table, brings to the stage the main character of the fairy tale - the girl Alenka( doll).Alenka greets the little ones and meets them."I'm Alenka, I live with my mother in this house. Not far from our house is a dense forest, wolves and foxes are found in it. And this is my gosling. His name is Do-rofeke. My grandmother gave it to me. When he was very young, I fed him at home, but now he's grown up. Do you see what his white feathers are? Dorofeyka very much likes to pinch the grass and look for bugs in it. Today I led him to a clearing, where there is a lot of delicious grass. See how good it is to walk here ";.The adult moves the gosling, pretending that he is moving farther and farther away from Alenka. Alenka calls to Dorofeyk and explains to the children that she is afraid when he goes far."There is a cunning fox in the forest," the girl says.- She can imperceptibly grab the gosenka with sharp teeth and drag her to her hole. There he will eat it, and he will not even leave a stone. My grandmother told me that she had dragged a fox from her fox and a small duckling. "

    After these words the gosling again departs from Alenka, and she again calls him. Repeating these actions two or three times, the adult takes the gosling away to a greater distance from Alenka, who at that time turned away.

    Suddenly a fox appears to the children from the forest side and silently creeps up to the gosling. Children are given the opportunity to save the gosling: drive the fox with his shout or call Alenka, which they, of course, do. Alenka drives the fox out and, turning to the children, says: "How good that you called me in time! A little more, and the fox would have grabbed Dorofeyka. "

    The performance continues. For some time the children are watching / Alenka is guarding the gosling. But here the girl starts to yawn( the adult suggests that she really wanted to sleep).Alenka asks the guys to look after Dorofeyka while she takes a nap;and if the fox appears again, wake her up. The girl lies down on the barrel and immediately falls asleep( turns her back to the audience).The gosling moves farther away from it and approaches the forest.

    Suddenly a fox appears and starts creeping up to Dorofeyka. Children are given the next opportunity either to call Alenka, or to drive the fox by themselves. Of course, they do not miss it and again save Dorofeyka. Some time after this incident, Alenka calmly grazes the gosling. But behind the stage there are voices of girlfriends calling her to play. Alenka again asks the children to leave the gosling, since she really wants to play with her friends for a little while. The guys agree, the adult removes Alenka from the stage. For some time the gosling( in the hands of an adult) grazes one( moves on the table in different directions).But then again a fox appears, she quietly sneaks to the gosling. The reaction of children is immediate, they either run the fox or call Alenka. The girl appears on stage and thanks the guys for their help. At the end of the play, an adult from the mother of Alenka( behind the stage) calls her and the gosling home and promises to treat them with a watermelon or pie.

    In the same way, you can dramatize any fairy tale accessible to children's understanding( for example, Zayushkina izba, Kot, Rooster and Fox, Koza-Dereza, etc.), a poem, or play a funny scene( for example, circus performers- clowns, trainers, acrobats).

    Another version of the performance is the performance of individual artists in the concert. They can read poetry, sing, dance, play toy musical instruments( in these cases, an adult sings a melody).Each regular participant of the concert is presented to the audience, bowing to their applause. As a rule, such a performance causes the children to want to act by themselves and ends with a concert, where the children themselves become artists.

    Tips for the educator. For the game to be successful, you need to master the technique of showing the play of toys. Speech master should. .. be expressive and imaginative and combined with the actions of the characters. Do not forget to contact children in due time for help, advice, etc., so that they are not passive audiences, avoid long phrases and moralizing remarks. All this is achieved in those cases when the performance is pre-rehearsed, thought out and prepared by an adult.

    Any kind of play of toys is designed for emotional: activity of children. Let the children freely express their feelings, attitude, to the characters of the play. The only thing that should not be allowed is that they get up during the action and touch the toys. And if this happens, the performance should be interrupted and on behalf of the artists abandon its continuation.

    If there are pupils in the group who, because of pedagogical neglect and heightened excitability, are not yet able to comply with this necessary condition, you should temporarily protect the remaining children from them( you can entrust such a child to your assistant).