  • Games that bring the kids together with each other and with the tutor

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    With the admission to the kindergarten in the life of the child there are big changes that are not always joyful and desirable for him. In the kindergarten, everything is not the same as at home: a stricter day, unfamiliar adults and children, unusual requirements. But the main thing is separation from my mother. All this can cause the baby's tension, uncertainty and even anxiety. Such an unfavorable emotional background adversely affects the child's first impressions of the kindergarten, making it difficult to get used to it. Many children resist these changes in life, do not want to come to the group.

    How to make it easier for children to get used to the new conditions of life? The best thing a caregiver can do is amuse the children, cheer them up, quickly distract them from everything that darkens their stay among strangers. This can be done through joint mobile games.

    Many believe that if at first to give the child more freedom, he will soon get used to the new conditions, as they are closer to home. Therefore, often in the preparation for the admission of new children, all efforts of teachers are focused mainly on creating a cozy interior and selecting a sufficient number of attractive toys. Great hopes are attached to the fact that toys will delight children, help them take and organize them. However, very often instead of joy toys bring grieving children and even tears. Many children take them from each other, fight for them, tear them from their hands. Persuasions and explanations of the adult, that the toys are common, that they need to be used together or in turn, usually do not help, because they come into obvious contradiction with the experience of the game familiar to the children at home, where they are the full owners of all toys. The child's lack of experience in game communication and joint play with a peer leads to the fact that in the other child he sees mainly a pretender to an attractive toy, not an interesting partner. That is why from the first days of visiting the kindergarten, joint games are invaluable for the cheerful mood of the kids and their good relations to each other. They will help the educator to bring children together, to unite them with a common activity, interesting for everyone. Regular holding of such joint games will not only enrich the kids with impressions, but will also give them a new social experience, which is so important for the development of the child's personality.

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    Suggested games are built on the relationship of gaming partnership with the voluntary participation of each child in what is accepted by all. Rivalry with each other is unacceptable. The content and rules of the game exclude the reasons for conflicts and mutual repulsion.

    By nature, it's fun games, dances. They are created on the model of folk games and carry elements of folklore and folk culture. Such games satisfy the need of children in movement, in communication and in a figurative poetic word. The combination of movements with the word helps the child to realize the content of the game, which, in turn, facilitates the performance of actions. To the educator these games will help to win children's sympathy, their trust and reasonable obedience. After all, they make the child open to communication. Such openness creates important prerequisites for the formation of the child's personality and is its foundation.

    Games are offered in order of increasing requirements for the behavior of the child in the group. The first and simplest are those fun and round-robin games in which the pupils act simultaneously and equally: "Sunny and rain", "Feet", "Catch!", "Bloat, bubble!", "Carousels", etc. The generality of movementsand gaming interests strengthens joyful experiences and emotional uplift. In addition, children learn to coordinate their actions with each other and focus on spatial conditions of movements.

    Somewhat more difficult for three-year-old guys to play in turn, in small groups( "Dolls dance", "Gifts", etc.).Children learn to reckon with each other, give in toys and an active, attractive role. But waiting for your turn is filled with another active action, which makes it easier for kids to fulfill these requirements. Such games are prepared for a new form of partnership, where the child acts individually and himself chooses a replacement( "Toy store", "On the Valya walkway", "Bunny", "Grandma Malanya", etc.), put the beginning of independence and friendly contacts of children.

    The feature of all offered games is that in them the center of attraction is an adult - he not only introduces a new game into the life of children, but also serves as a model for performing game actions and movements. Keeping freely, artistically, an adult infects children with their enthusiasm, fun.

    Games-fun and dances have a peculiar character of actions. In games-games, all the movements are familiar to children from everyday experience( running, walking, jumping, etc.).New is just a transition from one movement to another. Imitation of an adult facilitates such transitions. Gradually, with repeated running of the game, children begin to perform movements-independently, imitating each other. In no case can you turn a game-fun into an exercise to work out a sequence of movements! Repeated participation in the game provides the child with the opportunity to master the necessary movements without special training.

    Round dance games differ from fun with unusual movements: they are plastic, expressive, subordinate to the rhythm of the text and the accompanying melody. Movement as it were dramatizes the content of the game. All this awakens the imagination of children, develops musical abilities and artistic taste. The bright and expressive conduct of the dance becomes a kind of aesthetic education.

    One of the main conditions for carrying out all offered games is the voluntary participation of children. It does not matter, if not all are immediately included in the game. You can start it with a small group of people who have responded to the invitation of the tutor. For those who have not yet decided to join the game, peer monitoring will be an interesting and useful activity. Gradually, all the students of the group will be drawn into the game and become its participants.