  • Multicolored lichen( pungent lichen) on the skin - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Multicolored or pityriasis lichen is a fungal recurrent skin disease. It was first described by Robin in 1853.Young people are often sick. In 40 - 60 years the frequency decreases.

    Causes of multi-colored lichen

    The causative agent of the disease is a yeast-like fungus, which recurs in the surface layers of the skin and therefore belongs to keratomycosis. Its Latin name is Pytosporum orbicularae. This fungus is conditionally pathogenic, that is, it can cause the disease under certain conditions, such as increased sweating, changes in the chemical composition of sweat( pH closer to alkaline), oily skin seborrhea, slowing its renewal, prolonged treatment with hormonal drugs.

    Symptoms of varicoloured

    The disease occurs in 3 forms:

    The 1st form of the rudimentary , the most typical and often occurring is the erythematosquamous form, characterized by the appearance of non-inflammatory spots from brown to "coffee-and-milk" colors.

    Against tanned skin they will be white, as there was an obstacle to penetration of ultraviolet rays. Hence the name "colorful lichen".

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    Spots are initially small, then increase in size and on them we will see a barely noticeable otrebusal peeling. There will be no itching or it will be insignificant. Favorite process localization - chest, back. Less often, lichen arises in the shoulder area, abdomen. Children can see the pathogenic process and on the scalp. When treated with iodine, these spots will stand out against the background of healthy skin. The aggravation of the disease occurs, as a rule, in the autumn - spring period.

    The second form of , called follicular. At the same time, on an inflammatory background, we will see the appearance of papules and pustules of 2 - 3 mm in diameter. The process is often accompanied by itching. The unfavorable history of other diseases contributes to the development of this process: diabetes mellitus, hormone treatment.

    With invert form of multi-colored lichen , the foci are localized in the natural folds of the skin.

    Symptoms of multi-colored lichen, inverted form

    Diagnosis of varicoloured

    Differential diagnosis is performed with such pathologies as syphilitic leukoderma, vitiligo, psoriasis. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a dermatologist.

    The diagnosis of "pityriasis" is already exhibited at a visual examination. Also microscopy of skin scales with detection of the pathogen, iodine assay can be used. The doctor can shine a luminescent lamp of Wood on the hearth, in the light of which the spots acquire a characteristic reddish - brown glow.

    Treatment of varicolored

    The main treatment for varicoloured varicella is local therapy with various disinfectant solutions( salicyl-resorcinol alcohol, iodine solution, lamilazil spray), antifungal ointments( clotrimazole, mifungar, mycoseptin).In the same industry, antifungal shampoos( ketokenazole, nizoral) are produced.

    In the second form and with a common process, prescribe tablets with fungicidal action( terbizil, rumicosis).

    No special power is needed. The only thing to say about the most frequent change of bed linen and bed linen.

    After treatment, the skin looks like a healthy person's skin, there are no stains left. Limit yourself to something is not worth it.

    Folk remedies for multi-colored lichen

    You can use folk remedies, but first you must correctly diagnose, and this can only be done by a doctor. Usually from the pityriasis, folk remedies are used onions, tar and garlic. What smell will, for example, from a person after applying birch tar or tincture of onions and garlic? Colleagues for work or household, I think you "thank you" will not say. The best, probably means is the use of cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar. But before this, still consult your doctor.

    Complications of varicoloured

    The main complication of this disease is a cosmetic defect. Not for nothing about such people who are not treated for lack of anxiety, they say: "His skin is like a leopard".And of course it is necessary to note the transition of the disease into the second form, which occurs less often.

    Prevention of varicoloured

    For specific prophylaxis I assign to my patients the use of nizoral - shampoo 2 times a week for a month at the beginning of each spring - autumn period, not only on the head area but also on natural folds. This helps prevent disease and seek medical attention.

    As a nonspecific prevention - hygiene, correction of sweating.

    Consultation of a doctor for pitybearing deprivation

    Question: Do we deprive an aboriginal animal of animals?
    Answer: No, it is a typical anthroponosis( found only in humans).

    Question: If a partner has a multicolored lichen, do I need to undergo preventive treatment?
    Answer: No. As I said, the disease is not contagious. The fungus itself lives on normal, healthy skin and the disease does not arise. To be treated it is necessary only at occurrence of signs.

    Question: I have pity lichen. Whether it is necessary to pass treatment if after the south there were white maculae or to wait, when the tan will descend or go?
    Answer: Required. For the prevention of recurrence. And he most likely will come.

    Doctor dermatologist Mansurov A.S.