  • Love and Culture

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    Let's think first of the very concept: "culture" in conjunction with the words "feelings", "relations."What a strange phrase? Is not it? Could there be a phenomenon that is more independent of conventions, regulations, standard than love?

    However, in discussions about the nature of love, the ways of its manifestation, we were forced to admit that, for all its naturalness and ease, it manifests itself in a form prepared in advance for it by a certain way of being, norms and rules in which lovers grow and are brought up.

    All the moral categories known to us - shame, restraint, politeness, sympathy, general upbringing - social phenomena. Girls of some African tribe who do not know clothes are ashamed not of nudity, but, on the contrary, of the closure of certain areas of the body. Residents of southern countries will consider ignorance restraint in manifestations of joy and sorrow. According to their ideas, the one who tears his hair truly grieves, sprinkles them with ashes. And the forms of empathy should be similar. And the Japanese consider it improper for even their closest relatives to mourn an expensive dead man. Everyone should smile, so as not to upset other people with grief. The same is in the manifestation of a love attraction: in different races, peoples, tribes and even classes, social groups their customs, tastes, habits.

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    At the same time, in one country, but in different parts of it different laws, regulations, customs, rules may apply.

    In the US, for a long time in different states there were different conditions for divorce: in some extremely strict, in others - not. And often citizens of one state came to another, in order to make this procedure as soon as possible.

    Is it possible to develop any principles that would be equally well received in different circumstances? For example, at one time residents of our major cities were shocked by a new fashion that appeared in young men and women: walk along the street in an embrace, demonstrate their love."The pernicious influence of the West," some were indignant."It's like village guys with girls in the outskirts of the village," grinned condescendingly. And still others simply waved their hands: "They do not understand: love is a special kind of energy. No wonder they say: the currents of the heart, the spiritual heat, etc. The more people come in contact with the heated emotions of lovers, the more they take away their heat. "

    Who is right: young people or their judges - decide for yourself. Or another example. Imagine the position of a young man who grew up in a family where the treatment was quite free, even unceremonious, and suddenly he finds himself on Wednesday, where a frequent visit to the house is already regarded as evidence of a serious preference for the girl, as some obligations that the younghuman.

    Or, on the contrary, the young man is brought up in the rules, prescribing in every possible way to hide the natural movement of the heart. With his glances, frequent meetings, he lets the girl understand her attitude to her, and she does not understand the language of looks, conditional gestures. Here's the drama for you, that's the undivided feeling. And since modern man now and then finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, such conflicts are not an exception.

    Waiting for an absolutely identical reaction to the same action, even with the closest relatives, is useless work. Let's say you do not like when someone interferes with your business and so do not rush into interfering in the affairs of your friend( friend, relative).And he( or those) without support, sympathy can not live( they can not).Of course, your non-interference will be regarded as indifference, pride, even selfishness.

    It turns out that we came across a contradictory phenomenon. And since we have already gained some experience in handling such complexities, we will not frighten them further. And turn to our reliable mentors: to the dictionaries and sayings of wise people.

    In the "Dictionary of Ethics" we find the definition: "Culture of feelings - the degree of social development," humanization "of feelings, emotional spirituality of a person";and the feelings themselves are the product of the life social experience of the individual, of her communication and upbringing. Human feelings are part of nature, but cultivated by culture. By their manifestation, one can judge the man's morality. That is why an educated person can get into the category of ill-bred people, for culture is not exhausted by enlightenment, it covers the whole holistic spiritual and moral world of people.