
Why dream a white cat alone or with kittens: the interpretation of dreams

  • Why dream a white cat alone or with kittens: the interpretation of dreams

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    Every day many of us see interesting and varied dreams. Someone immediately forgets about them, and someone thinks about the meaning of the dream. This can help different dream books and interpreters. But what a white cat dreams about, you can find out by reading this article.

    White cat according to Miller's dream book

    This dream book says that the cat is a bad symbol, bringing bad luck and bad luck. If in a dream the cat is aggressive, then in reality there will appear enemies triumphing over your failures and building dangerous intrigues. To drive away or frighten this animal in a dream means a complete victory over the enemies.

    A thin and sick cat in a dream promises an early illness of one of relatives or friends. To scare such a cat - to his speedy recovery.

    To dream a white cat according to Miller's dream book is always troubles, troubles, disappointments and anger.

    Dream Wangi

    According to this dream book, a white cat symbolizes troubles in life, scandals, quarrels, conflicts. Many white cats in a dream dream of shame and shame, from which it will be difficult to get rid of.

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    Catching a white cat in a dream - means the appearance in life of an interesting person who will conquer you with his thinking and temperament.

    A Dream of Pastor Loff

    A cat has always been considered a magical and dark symbol. Therefore, seeing it in a dream, it is necessary to know that in any difficult situation one should rely on intuition.

    White cat according to Hasse's dream book

    A dream about a white cat promises a quick deception in life, you need to be on your guard. If in a dream an animal tries to attack or bite, then in reality all your thoughts will be perceived with hostility.

    To see a large number of white cats - predicts betrayal from a close circle or friends.

    Esoteric Dream Book

    According to the esoteric dream book, a white cat is a sign of a flattering person who has already appeared or will soon appear in life. You need to be very careful and careful, since this person will try to benefit from communication with you.

    General Interpretations of

    The white cat that appeared in a dream gives a prophetic character a shade. From cats of all colors, it is not worth waiting for a positive interpretation, it is always a problem or quarrel.

    It happens that in dreams the white cat shows for an approximate time of the prediction. It concerns a distant future.

    A white cat in a dream is associated with uncertainty, lies and cunning. The dreamer will soon comprehend how he was mistaken in the people around him. After such a dream, it will not be superfluous to observe standard precautions.

    A dreamed black and white cat with kittens promises only disappointment in reality. A person with whom certain hopes were associated will let you down. This is a warning, so be careful.

    To see a white cat in your arms means a risk of being in a shameful or even criminal situation. It may be implicated in a secret ill-wishers who kindly pretend to be your friend. Sonnik warns that it will take a very long time to sort out the consequences of this situation.

    To iron a white cat in a dream - to fear the wake of a blow to fate or theft. At the same time it does not matter whether the cat caresses in a dream or shows aggression.

    Even in a dream it's worth staying away from a white and fluffy cat. If in a dream it is possible to avoid any contact with her, then in real life all hardships and privations will be bypassed.

    To see a white cat in a dream is always a bad omen. After such dreams you need to be more careful, take a closer look and look at a different environment from a different angle. This is enough to avoid the negative effects of sleep and identify the enemy.

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