  • Technique and methods of linear massage

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    The stroking with pressure is performed mainly by the pads of III, II and I fingers, less often by the back side of one of the middle phalanges or by the elevation of the 1st finger.

    Receive exactly along the course of the meridian with a disturbed function, without affecting zones of other meridians not involved in the pathological process. The strength of the pressure depends on the method of massage and can be about 0.2 to 10 kgf. The first strokes in a linear massage are done with a slight pressure, then the pressure is gradually increased, the last passage is done with a strong pressure. In all cases, that is, during the same passage, the finger pressure along the entire massage path should be the same.

    When performing the reception, the intended sensations from weak to strong should occur, depending on the massage method.

    When performing stroking with pressure, errors occur: non-constant pressure at the same massaging movement, that is, in the initial and final massage points;inaccurate observance of the massage path;excessive pressure at the first rounds of linear massage compared with subsequent movements.

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    The reception of stroking with vibration consists in applying, as in a point massage, vibration-tremor movements during stroking performed by the pad of one of the first three fingers.

    The vibration amplitude should be minimum, and the frequency, depending on the method of massage, is from 50 to 200 oscillations per 1 min.

    The most common errors are when performing stroking strokes with vibration: large amplitude, nail trauma to the skin and everything that is observed when taking stroking with pressure.

    Three methods are used in linear massage.

    Sedative( inhibitory) method - strong, deep pressure( up to 10 kgf), affecting subcutaneous fat, muscle, periosteum. Vibration is performed with a frequency of

    from 150 to 200 oscillations per minute. The intended sensations are on the verge of pain, rubbing and considerable heat. The total exposure time is up to 5-6 minutes, sometimes up to 15-20 minutes. The direction of the movement of the hands - against the course of the meridian from the sick site to the healthy one.

    Neutral( harmonizing) method - pressing of average force, vibration up to 100 oscillations in 1 min, with achievement of pleasant stipulated sensations and hyperemia. Duration of receptions - up to 3 minutes, sometimes up to 10 minutes. Linear movements along the course of the meridian can be alternated with moves against the course.

    Toning method - light, soft surface pressure up to 0.2 kgf and vibration up to 50 oscillations per 1 minute, affecting the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The prescribed sensations are weak, the duration of administration is up to 1-2 minutes, sometimes up to 5-6 minutes. The movements of the arms are short, the direction along the course of the meridian, from the healthy area to the patient.